“Why wait for summer to make the memories of a lifetime!” the Coastal Living Magazine advertisement exclaimed. “Good point!” I considered.

But then I briskly interjected, “Why DO I wait for many things? Like why do I wait for that thing, person, time or place that somehow suddenly gives me permission to be happy, to have peace of mind, to find the calm I long for, or the satisfaction and contentment that sometimes feels impossible to acquire.

Needless to say I’ve asked myself the question, “What are you waiting for” more than once. And most of the time – these days – when the question comes to mind, the image of a favorite “Curly Girl” greeting card appears in my thought that swiftly answers, “Someday is now!”  

As I wrote in my new book, The Queen of Damn Good Advice, when trying to make just about any decision, I also emphatically ask myself, “What’s stopping you? When I mention to my husband something I’m thinking about changing, he often responds with, “Why now?” My response to him is always, “Why not?”

For me, it’s been the “Why not?” question that had to be answered when making decisions, setting new goals or even planning a dream vacation. And I’ve often found that there really wasn’t a good enough reason not to.

Regardless of the season, stage or time in your life, your answer to “Why not?” may inform you to wait no longer.