We’re about a begin a brand new year! I’m sure I’m not the only one who at this time reminisces and reflects on the year about to pass.
I’ve heard this song performed by many artists but this rendition by Pentatonix gave me GOOSIES!!!! And…I felt like I was hearing the song for the first time!
I’ve never thought I understood the meaning of the song lyric speaking of love as a cold and broken hallelujah. But that image is resonating with me for the first time as this year closes. After watching a brother pass on, after being by my mom’s side as she rallied back from near death moments, after being on my knees more times than I can count in prayer to God crying about my dreads and fears, regrets and disappointments…yes….I feel it now….love that is a cold and broken hallelujah.
Love isn’t all warm and fuzzy everything is perfect tied up in a beautiful bow. My feelings of love this past year (the past few years actually!) could not be described in that way.
My love has been lived. My love has been present. Even when my being present was the most difficult thing I’ve ever done in my life. Even when I felt cold and broken, sad and lost…my love wasn’t going anywhere. My love was constant and steadfast. And it will remain so. And that makes me cry out HALLELUJAH!
We can all do that. We do our best. We give our all. Our love is enough!

Annette Bridges
Author, Publisher and Women's Retreat Host
Annette Bridges is an author, publisher and women’s retreat host on a mission to help every woman realize her story is extraordinary, valuable and noteworthy. Part of Annette’s own journaling practice includes collecting ideas, quotes, songs, videos and photos that inspire her. She shares some of her finds in these weekly “Be Inspired” posts to lift your spirit with encouragement, comfort and joy.
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