It's never too late to be what you might have been. -George Eliot #Quote Share on X
These words are powerful to me and encouraging. This image, as most all of the images I share in my blogs, was first posted on my Facebook author page. Most weeks my blogs are featuring one of my favorites.
I keep re-reading this quote!!! I guess I’ve needed this reminder lately.
It’s tempting, the older I get, to feel like I’ve waited too long to begin aspiring to attain a certain goal, that there isn’t enough time, that a certain ship has sailed and I just missed the boat. That I should move on in search of another idea.
I must admit I do have moments when I think my life might be easier if I gave up my aspirations and dreams.
I like to think of myself as open and ready to act upon new inspirations. And for some, I may appear to be someone who changes her mind at the drop of a hat. I consider myself as teachable and flexible and when I learn a new and better way of doing something, then I see no reason to not change, regroup, edit, tweak, or go in a totally different direction when it feels like the thing to do.
And perhaps I could even reach the conclusion that stopping something altogether is the thing to do.
BUT I really resist any notion that the reason to stop is because it is too late.
I just can’t believe that. I don’t want to believe that. I refuse to believe that.
Some of you have heard me say in recent times that my ninety year old mother’s latest life lesson to me is that it’s never too late to learn something new, to discover and experience new passion. Her newfound love of painting has been my example that confirms to me it truly is never too late to be what you might have been!
Those last words in this quote keep stirring in my heart – “…what you might have been.” And I’m recalling some of those things I aspired to in younger years and wondering why I let go of them. And just maybe…it’s not too late to consider them again.
How about YOU? Have you ever given up on something you wanted to do because you thought it was too late?

Annette Bridges
Author, Publisher and Women's Retreat Host
Annette Bridges is an author, publisher and women’s retreat host on a mission to help every woman realize her story is extraordinary, valuable and noteworthy. Part of Annette’s own journaling practice includes collecting ideas, quotes, songs, videos and photos that inspire her. She shares some of her finds in these weekly “Be Inspired” posts to lift your spirit with encouragement, comfort and joy.
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