“Don’t waste time waiting for inspiration. Begin, and inspiration will find you.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr. Share on X
Some of you know that I wrote a weekly editorial column that was published in numerous Texas newspapers, magazines and websites. During that decade, I can’t tell you how many columns began with me having no idea what I was going to write about. I would open up the blank word document on my laptop and gaze upon the screen and ponder, “What now?”
I had deadlines to meet.
There were those lovely weeks when something had prompted my inspiration and it was easy to sit down and let the ideas flow effortlessly. And then there were other weeks when I had no idea where my inspiration would come from.
I didn’t have time to waste waiting for inspiration to come to me, however.
So I would begin. I would literally just start typing whatever was on my mind having no idea where it was going to take me or if it would spark the inspiration I needed to create the column.
What I can tell you is this. Inspiration always came. And each week I was left awestruck.
I guess that’s why today in all of my endeavors I refer to myself as a jumper. As ideas come, I act and let inspiration find me and take me where it wants to go. I don’t sit around waiting and wondering what to do next. And I’m still awestruck as I witness the evolution of an idea and how inspiration molds, shapes, and refines it.
So my friends, perhaps your answer is simply to BEGIN. Act. Move forward. Try it. Do it. Let your story unfold and evolve. You don’t need to know how your story ends first and you will never know if you don’t BEGIN.

Annette Bridges
Author, Publisher and Women's Retreat Host
Annette Bridges is an author, publisher and women’s retreat host on a mission to help every woman realize her story is extraordinary, valuable and noteworthy. Part of Annette’s own journaling practice includes collecting ideas, quotes, songs, videos and photos that inspire her. She shares some of her finds in these weekly “Be Inspired” posts to lift your spirit with encouragement, comfort and joy.
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