When was the last time you did something for the first time? #GoodQuestion Share on X
There is something powerfully invigorating and life-affirming when doing something for the first time.
How would you answer my question: When was the last time you did something for the first time?
Oh I know…first times can be as scary as they are exciting. But I would encourage you to not be afraid of saying YES to trying something or doing something new. There is so much to learn, see and experience that makes our life interesting and more satisfying.
There are many ways to integrate FIRSTS into your life. These firsts are not always big ones like traveling to a country you’ve never been to before or getting a new job. They could be trying a new recipe or getting together with a new friend. It could be learning something new, trying a new fitness activity, tasting a new food, playing a new game and on and on.
So my friends don’t shy away from trying more FIRSTS when you have the opportunity. You might be surprised how your life will grow in joyfulness and contentment by simply doing something ANYTHING for the first time.

Annette Bridges
Author, Publisher and Women's Retreat Host
Annette Bridges is an author, publisher and women’s retreat host on a mission to help every woman realize her story is extraordinary, valuable and noteworthy. Part of Annette’s own journaling practice includes collecting ideas, quotes, songs, videos and photos that inspire her. She shares some of her finds in these weekly “Be Inspired” posts to lift your spirit with encouragement, comfort and joy.
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