Books for Children
Lady and Bella Totally different Totally friends teaches children that friends can be very different from each other and still be friends – even best friends. Seven important and endearing friendship lessons are highlighted in an entertaining and educational coloring storybook. It’s a dachshund world! BUY NOW
Lady and Bella’s Alphabet Kitchen provides first-time cooks with easy-to-follow yummy recipes. The cookbook opens with a fiction story featuring Lady and Bella and a cooking contest with more adorable colorable illustrations that also teaches cooking etiquette and hygiene, a cooking terms glossary and a “Create your own recipes” section. You’ll also see recipe photographs by the twenty-six test cooks, ages 4-16, from ten U.S. states and Germany who tried and approved every recipe in the Alphabet Kitchen. BUY NOW
Lady and Bella Totally friends journal ~A big book 8.5×11 format to assist with lay-flat journaling is especially designed for beginners to record their favorite activities, events and milestones, thoughts, wishes, dreams and secrets. Moments spent with friends and family is all the more special when captured in photographs or drawings and the memories preserved in words that will remind again and again of treasured happy experiences. There are bordered blank pages for photographs, drawings or doodling and lined pages for writings memories that will last forever in this keepsake book. A dachshund lover of all ages will want this journal, too! BUY NOW