Nov 16, 2008 |
by Annette Bridges. ©2008. All rights reserved.
Lately I’ve been singing a line from the 1965 hit single by The Animals — “We gotta get out of this place.” Except I’ve been singing “I” gotta get out. I found it interesting to learn that this was a popular song among soldiers during the Vietnam War and that this song is on Rolling Stone’s list of the 500 greatest songs of all time. A bit more research informed me that the verse is talking about the singer’s father, who at the end of his life had little to show for it.
So why has this verse been ringing in my head?
Perhaps I need a break from all the Presidential campaign rhetoric? Maybe I feel pushed to the edge with lots of unwanted family drama? Maybe I’m tired of worrying about stock market losses and what we’re going to do next? Or perhaps I, too, am frustrated and dismayed at how little I’ve accomplished with my life?
It seems I’m not alone. A new national poll suggests that only a quarter of Americans think things are going well in the country today, while the rest of those questioned are angry, scared and stressed out.
When I was growing up and my mom and I needed a break or wanted to chill out, we would head to the beach (about a thousand miles from our home) for some recoup time. There was something calming about listening to the ocean waves crash and enlightening about gazing at the endless ocean horizon. Problems that seemed huge and unsolvable became small and fixable as we soothed our feet in the infinite grains of cool sand.
I guess lately I’ve been feeling the desire to escape the way my mom and I used to do. Taking a day off or time out to gain perspective and restore confidence is often a good idea. Even Jesus had days when he took the time to be alone to pray and I suspect search for clarity and peace of mind.
We read in the Bible, “he went up into a mountain apart to pray” (Matthew 14:23) and another time when he told his disciples, “sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder.” (Matthew 26:36) Jesus also gave us instruction about how to pray. He said, “when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou has shut thy door, pray to thy Father…” (Matthew 6:6)
This prayer tip has been helpful to me many times in my life, and I think it may be what is impelling my current desire to escape.
I don’t know that I’m going to be able to head to the beach this time because it is still about a thousand miles away from my home, and it is difficult for me to justify the gas expense of the drive. But the beach isn’t my only option for a “prayer closet.”
I have found it imperative to look for opportunities to be alone and quiet — wherever that takes me. This might be a candlelight bath, a walk in the country side, a drive to a nearby lake, or sometimes it is just shutting my office door and closing my eyes and pondering how much greater God’s love is than any problem I’m facing.
Have you read Psalms 23 lately?
I love the verse, “Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.” It’s very comforting to know that no matter where I am or what I’m dealing with, God is going to give me a table — a chart, graph or plan — to face and conquer whatever battle I’m confronting.
There is a healing solution for any problem we face, my friends. Have no doubt about it — God only wants good for His children. And He is always with us, sustaining and strengthening us, and ready to give the guidance we need.
It now occurs to me that the place I’m longing to get out of is the mental chaos I’ve been living in. And I can change that residence right now. It doesn’t require a long drive or money or even a lot of time.
I only need to fill my thoughts with God’s assurances and promises to find the peace of mind I long for. And that spiritual perspective will also enable me to accept and support whoever my new President is, deal with the latest family drama as well as calm financial fears. And a spiritual perspective is already telling me that God’s plan and purpose for my life doesn’t end when I reach a certain age.
If you feel angry, scared or stressed out, you can get out of the mental chaos that is causing it. God has a table ready for you, too!
Nov 16, 2008 |
by Annette Bridges. ©2008. All rights reserved.
Even as the TV screen flashed images of raging water, a flood survivor was able to express humor in the midst of his own catastrophe. I was impressed.A reporter was interviewing this man as he stood on his home’s second-floor balcony. A swollen river had submerged his first floor. The reporter made the statement that this man’s town was under water and everyone appeared to have left. And the man chuckled and jokingly responded, “Yes, my town’s population is now only one.” Never during the conversation was there an apparent sense of doom. Instead, the man went on to share his confidence that he’d surely recover and rebuild.
As I think about this one story, I continue to be inspired by that man’s upbeat attitude and expectation. And I asked myself, How can I better practice joy on dark days?
Maybe you’ve heard the old adage, “Laughter is the best medicine.” I was intrigued to learn recently that there’s actually such a thing as laughter therapy. Apparently, a number of medical studies are concluding that laughter and humor, applied to distressing situations, just may be the best remedy.
But is humor merely part of a stoic “grin and bear it approach”? A “cheer up and smile” to someone who’s struggling? I don’t think so. Throughout my life, I’ve returned again and again to Jesus’ words “. . . and your joy no man taketh from you” (John 16:22). And I’ve discovered that nothing can take away honest joy, because joy is indeed God-given. In fact, I’m convinced that there’s real healing power and value in joy that springs from spiritual convictions. It’s this kind of joy that lifts us up, shifting our focus from a sense of human helplessness, to the naturalness of God’s care for His children.
I’m learning that being spiritually lighthearted means letting go of and placing the burdens of life where they belong-on the shoulders of our Father-Mother God. This truly does lighten all burdens by pointing us upward and making our days bright with the realization that there are infinite possibilities. God wants only good for His children and will lead us to “dry ground,” where we can continue our journey with sure footing.
I’m reminded of these words of Paul in his epistle to the Romans: “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good” (12:21).
This tells me that acknowledging the presence of God’s love-right in the face of chaos-will enable me to better feel the power of God’s law of good. It’s not about being in denial of the “bad stuff.” But I do believe that opening our thoughts to seeing a promising horizon enables us to find the spiritual levity that lifts us up, and brings with it all of God’s goodness, including joy. Who hasn’t experienced blessings from life changes that follow adversity? Much is to be
gained amid struggles, and often it’s depressed vision that keeps us from seeing what can be gained.
I love these words of the Psalmist: “. . . when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I” (Ps. 61:2). Nothing saps one’s energy more than the time and focus put into trying to manage crises. It can be overwhelming if we feel responsible for manipulating circumstances that are beyond our control. This ultimately leads to believing that the situation or problem is beyond God’s jurisdiction, too. Mary Baker Eddy wrote in Science and Health that such an admission “disarms man” and “prevents him from helping himself” (p. 394).
Maintaining a sense of humor can turn a once formidable looking issue into something more manageable. Consequently, this view provides opportunities for greater objectivity and creative insight.
Letting go of burdens, we also help ease them for others. After watching that one man’s lightheartedness when floodwaters filled his house, I’m putting my frustrations in perspective, and praying more consistently to acknowledge the power of lasting joy in everything.
Even through the darkest moments, cultivating a lighter heart (and sometimes even having a good laugh) can go a long way in helping myself, and others, break free from suffering and discouragement. The restorative effects of joy just can’t be underestimated.
Nov 16, 2008 |
by Annette Bridges. ©2008. All rights reserved.
You are worthy, and your life is worthwhile. Never doubt this, my friends! Do not let person, age or circumstance dictate your value. Actually no one can undermine the talents and skills that are uniquely yours — not a teacher, friend, parent, spouse or employer.
I have sometimes allowed myself to be saddened and depressed by something someone has said to me. I’ve let another’s words make me feel inconsequential, useless and of no purpose.
The truth is no one has the right or ability to stifle your dreams, bruise your spirit, question your interests, or dictate your choices. In fact, it is impossible, unless you give someone the power to do so.
Your thoughts, opinions and viewpoints are yours, and they are special. They have the right to exist and be acted upon. God created you to be a “thinker,” and no one can think for you.
Over the years I’ve changed my priorities, my goals and my wishes again and again to fit the needs and wants of others.
My current dismay is that now that I’ve reached what many refer to as “mid-life,” I’m feeling dissatisfied. I’m questioning the merit of what I’ve accomplished in my life, and I long for something more. Yet, I’m uncertain of what it would take to satisfy that longing.
Lately, however, I’ve been discovering that when we allow our worthiness to come into question, we dampen our motivation and lower our expectation that it is possible to reach dreams and accomplish goals. Thus, our feelings of unworthiness become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I’ve sometimes wondered what would have happened if Moses had let his doubts about his worthiness to free the children of Israel stop him from trying. Remember how Moses responded when God told him he would send him to Pharaoh. Moses asked, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh? (Exodus 3:11)
Undoubtedly, the task seemed like a huge undertaking, and I suppose Moses was uncertain he had what it would take to get the job done. Thankfully, God promised Moses He would be with him. Although this news was reassuring, Moses continued to express his doubts as he and God further discussed the plans for his mission. Moses protested, “The people won’t believe me…I am not eloquent…I am slow of speech….” But God had an answer for each concern Moses interjected.
Sometimes I think we can become our own worst enemy as we distrust our abilities and debunk our potential. Yet we learn from reading about Moses, that not only does God have a mission for each of us, he provides us with everything we need to accomplish the mission.
So let’s stop doubting our worth or worthiness. And never doubt our abilities. God not only will give us all we need, He’s going to lead us, He has our backs, and He’ll hold our hands. God will be with us every step of our life journeys. And no matter what need arises along the way, God has a solution. Just read the rest of the story about Moses and the children of Israel as they crossed the wilderness and reached the Promised Land, and you’ll see what I mean.
Our journeys are our own. Each of us has a purpose that is important and significant to our Father-Mother God. Each of our missions is distinct and incomparable. No one else is suitable or worthy to fulfill our mission. This is as true for me as it is for you!
Nov 16, 2008 |
by Annette Bridges. ©2008. All rights reserved.
Change is in the air. The cooler temperatures that autumn has been bringing lately have been a welcome relief from the hot Texas summer. But more pleasant days are the only changes I am welcoming this fall.This year’s Presidential campaigns have been filled with promises of change. The problem with this change is that I’m uncertain if who I want to be the next President of the United States will indeed be so. Whether I have cast my vote for a Democrat or Republican, I have cast a losing vote more often than a winning one. Of course, there is not yet a clear indication of who will indeed win this year’s election, since polls are still predicting a close race.
Speaking of polls — are you like me and wonder if you will ever get to be one of the 1,000 Americans who are given the power to speak on behalf of the rest of us? I’ve always questioned whether or not the few voices in a poll were truly capable of speaking for the other 300 million Americans. And for that reason, I continue to be amazed at how much credence is given to polling results.
Psychologists call it the bandwagon effect. You may have heard the phrase, “jumping on the bandwagon,” which is the observation that people often do and believe things because many other people do and believe the same things — regardless of any underlying evidence. And countless research studies have proven the bandwagon effect occurs in voting.
Perhaps this is why new poll results are published daily. Evidence has long proven that some people vote for those candidates or parties who are likely to succeed (or are proclaimed to succeed by the media). Since research evidence affirms that shifts in opinions can occur because individuals draw inferences from the decisions of others, I suspect we will continue to hear and read about polling results — however disproportionate and inconclusive they really are.
But a change of president for our country is not the only change I’m anxious about. Ill health, marriage troubles, career moves and relocation dominate the scene among my family members and propose many changes I’m not looking forward to. And my own age and dissatisfaction with past career and education choices has me indecisive about making future changes myself. Overall — at this moment — change just doesn’t feel like a good thing in my life. Or the anticipation of change fills me with more dread than expectation of good.
And yet remembering past examples of God’s sustaining care brings me to the conclusion that my best solution lies in the affirmation and guiding principle for many Americans — “In God we trust.”
My trust in God grows out of the fact that God doesn’t change. God doesn’t come and go. God isn’t sometimes available and sometimes not. God is good – always. God loves His children – always. God cares about His children and always wants what is best. His guidance will never fail us.
Sometimes change is needed and wanted. Other times change appears to be anything but good. But the only thing I am certain of is that regardless of the circumstances or even the outcome of an election, we can trust in God to lead us and our leaders to better times, to healing solutions, to restored confidence and renewed hopes — to progress.
Perhaps the Psalmist offered us the best assurance when he wrote, “Whither shall I go from thy spirit? Or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. (Psalms 139)
I’ll be trusting in this promise as I head into unchartered territory this fall. If you are facing changes you’re unsure about, I hope you can also find peace of mind and encouragement in knowing that God is there for you. You are not alone. You can depend upon God’s presence and help. And His promise of good is one thing you can always count on.
Nov 16, 2008 |
by Annette Bridges. ©2008. All rights reserved.
I may not be an expert in economics, but I have survived difficult times and prospered in spite of having little money. My first lessons in overcoming challenging financial crises came from my mom.When my mother divorced my dad, she lost the financial security he had provided. This meant that this woman — without a formal work history or higher education — had to find a way to support herself and her remaining child at home – me. She gave up her house and pretty much all material possessions from a 26-year marriage and left her home state of Georgia in search of a better and happier life. We headed west.
In short — we were homeless. All we had was what we could pack in a friend’s car.
The faith-filled prayers of this woman came from her confidence that God would care for His beloved children. Her story may not be a rags to riches one, but my mom was always able to provide the necessities and essentials.
She had an often miraculous way of making a little go a long way. Consequently, I never thought we were poor.
Remember the children’s song about Henry who announced to Liza that he had a hole in his bucket? I’ve always been amused by Liza’s response, “Well fix it, dear Henry….” That’s the type of solution my mom would suggest today to Henry or anyone else.
She would say, “If you have a hole in your bucket — just fix it.” She would be certain there was a way to fix any hole. And she would never give up on attempts to make the needed repair. Panic was not a reaction natural to her. I think her calm assurance and resilience was imbedded in her spiritual resolve, based upon her faith in God’s care and love for His creation.
I love the Biblical example of supply that is told in II Kings. (II Kings 4:1-7) Apparently, a woman whose husband had died was in financial trouble. I guess her husband had some unpaid debts, and the creditor was demanding payment from her even if he had to take her two children as slaves.
This woman went to Elisha for help. Elisha asked her, “What do you have in your house?” Her first response was, “Nothing.” But then she corrected that answer to, “Well, I do have a little oil.”
Elisha told her to borrow jugs and bowls from all her neighbors. After this was done, Elisha instructed her to pour oil into each container. She followed his advice.
In fact, after all the containers had been filled, she still had oil left over. Elisha told her to sell the oil-filled containers and make good on her debts, and the leftover oil would be sufficient for she and her sons to live on.
How many times will panic, fear, and doubt blind us into believing there is nothing we can do, that the problem is too big or impossible to fix?
I think Elisha’s question — “What do you have in your house?” — is very poignant. It points us in the direction where we can find our answers. I think his question is assuring us that whatever answer we need is within our grasp — that a solution is indeed reachable. It is saying, “Don’t panic! Don’t get caught up in any hyped up fears!”
And his question very much reminds me of my mother’s way of solving every financial crisis she has faced. Her approach was solidified with certainty, expectancy and creativity. She confronted each challenge step by step, being grateful for and valuing any progress — whether big or small. She never became daunted by any single task that was required. And she never took her eye off the ball — her goal, her destination, her dream.
Her life example has created within me the same financial confidence. Whether I have abundant money in the bank or not, I never doubt I will have the means to do whatever is needed. For me, this included going to college when I had no idea how I would pay my tuition. But semester by semester, I found the ways to do just that. Confidence often opens unexpected doors.
So I’m not overly worried about our American economy right now. A crisis can be exacerbated by overreaction that comes from emotion-driven decisions. Fear too often carries a danger all its own as it breeds panic. We must choose between fear and confidence. Both are contagious.
Perhaps we need to take some deep spiritual breaths, remembering there is a divine and infinite source for all our needs. And remain calm. I think we will find, like my mom proved again and again, that confident resolve will lead to fixing any “hole” that needs fixing.