Never doubt your worth!
by Annette Bridges. ©2008. All rights reserved.
You are worthy, and your life is worthwhile. Never doubt this, my friends! Do not let person, age or circumstance dictate your value. Actually no one can undermine the talents and skills that are uniquely yours — not a teacher, friend, parent, spouse or employer.
I have sometimes allowed myself to be saddened and depressed by something someone has said to me. I’ve let another’s words make me feel inconsequential, useless and of no purpose.
The truth is no one has the right or ability to stifle your dreams, bruise your spirit, question your interests, or dictate your choices. In fact, it is impossible, unless you give someone the power to do so.
Your thoughts, opinions and viewpoints are yours, and they are special. They have the right to exist and be acted upon. God created you to be a “thinker,” and no one can think for you.
Over the years I’ve changed my priorities, my goals and my wishes again and again to fit the needs and wants of others.
My current dismay is that now that I’ve reached what many refer to as “mid-life,” I’m feeling dissatisfied. I’m questioning the merit of what I’ve accomplished in my life, and I long for something more. Yet, I’m uncertain of what it would take to satisfy that longing.
Lately, however, I’ve been discovering that when we allow our worthiness to come into question, we dampen our motivation and lower our expectation that it is possible to reach dreams and accomplish goals. Thus, our feelings of unworthiness become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I’ve sometimes wondered what would have happened if Moses had let his doubts about his worthiness to free the children of Israel stop him from trying. Remember how Moses responded when God told him he would send him to Pharaoh. Moses asked, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh? (Exodus 3:11)
Undoubtedly, the task seemed like a huge undertaking, and I suppose Moses was uncertain he had what it would take to get the job done. Thankfully, God promised Moses He would be with him. Although this news was reassuring, Moses continued to express his doubts as he and God further discussed the plans for his mission. Moses protested, “The people won’t believe me…I am not eloquent…I am slow of speech….” But God had an answer for each concern Moses interjected.
Sometimes I think we can become our own worst enemy as we distrust our abilities and debunk our potential. Yet we learn from reading about Moses, that not only does God have a mission for each of us, he provides us with everything we need to accomplish the mission.
So let’s stop doubting our worth or worthiness. And never doubt our abilities. God not only will give us all we need, He’s going to lead us, He has our backs, and He’ll hold our hands. God will be with us every step of our life journeys. And no matter what need arises along the way, God has a solution. Just read the rest of the story about Moses and the children of Israel as they crossed the wilderness and reached the Promised Land, and you’ll see what I mean.
Our journeys are our own. Each of us has a purpose that is important and significant to our Father-Mother God. Each of our missions is distinct and incomparable. No one else is suitable or worthy to fulfill our mission. This is as true for me as it is for you!