"a time of rebirth of your deepest self"
My little chick took flight twelve years ago now so my nest has been empty for a while. Of course, she did come home during a transitional time in her life after a divorce, but not for long. She soon spread her wings again and has been flying strong and high ever since. I’m so very proud of her as I watch her grow into this awesome, focused, clear, determined woman. She’s teaching 3 college classes this fall as she continues on her PhD journey.
Reading the many tweets, posts and blogs by new empty nesters reminds me of when I was in those same shoes. And while the ache in my heart is not as great as it was in the beginning, there are some ways I’m still trying to come into my own in this empty nest season of life.
I came across a passage from a book recently that, for me, seems to define the empty nest perfectly. Interestingly, it was in a Prevention Magazine article titled, “Menopause, An Owner’s Manual” written by Ginny Graves. And the passage was from a book titled, “The Wisdom of Menopause” by Christiane Northrup, MD.
She was defining menopause – been there done that, by the way. Although Christiane was describing menopause, I say an empty nest is:
“a time of rebirth of your deepest self. It’s like being in labor: It can be painful, but you have to believe that you’re going to come out of it with something beautiful.”
She continued, “When I was going through it, I finally quit putting my needs last and started making time for myself to write – which led to my biggest professional success. It was a real blessing!”
So dear brand new empty nesters and “old-timers” like me….
Imagine being reborn into a new beautiful you. You were already beautiful but it’s the new you that is exciting to think about. This is a special most precious time in your life. A time to be cherished and nurtured! A time that will bless you!
I finally BELIEVE this!
After thirty years of motherly advising my beautiful and intelligent daughter, I’m finally going to start taking my own advice. I’ve been in labor with this new me long enough! My latest epiphany!