Be Inspired ~ Choose Hope

Be Inspired from Annette Bridges

“May your choices reflect your hopes not your fears.” Share on X

“May your choices reflect your hopes not your fears.” These words written by a man who spent a major part of his life incarcerated amazes me and yet perhaps also speaks to how his will to live survived those horrible years.

As a woman who has more fears these days than hopes, I say living by this statement is not so easy. Or at least it doesn’t feel so easy on the days when my fears are far overshadowing my hopes – which honestly is a day like today.

BUT on those days or in those moments when my hopes shine through and rise above the clouds of my fears, making choices that reflect and are inspired by my hopes happen naturally.

So how do we keep our hopes higher, stronger and more powerful than our fears?

Pay attention to those moments and days when your hopes are strong. What’s happening in those moments? What are you doing? Where are you? And however you answer these questions, DO MORE OF THAT!

When your fears seem to overwhelm you and invade the confidence and certainty that your hopes inspire, do more of whatever you do that feeds and fuels your hopes.

I’m asking myself these questions RIGHT NOW as I type this message while listening to beautiful soothing saxophone background music. It’s helping to quiet my fears. I need to walk outside. It always surprises me how the sounds and views that nature provides can bring fresh perspectives. And the deep breathes that being in the outdoors invites give my hopes encouragement and reassurance.


Don’t give in to your fears without a fight! You’re not alone in your battle. Share on X

Don’t give in to your fears without a fight! You’re not alone in your battle. I’ve been remembering there is a divine presence and power called God, Love, Spirit – whatever name you prefer – that will comfort and strengthen you. Reaching out to friends is also a good choice and one I forget at times when I’m feeling very alone. You are never alone. You have friends (and even strangers!) who are ready and waiting to be the angel of hope that you need. All you have to do is choose to ASK.

Choose hope!
