Aug 18, 2013 | Books & more that inspire!, The "me" you want to be, What inspires you? |

I say, “Never doubt your worth or worthiness. Never doubt your abilities.”
I have always believed that God not only will give us what we need, she’s going to lead us, she has our back, and she’ll hold our hand. “The Queen of Damn Good Advice” in my life, my mamma, has always assured me that God is with us every step of our life journey. No matter what need arises along the way, God would have a solution. My mamma has always been right!
Our journeys are our own. Each princess and queen has a purpose that is significant. Each of our missions is distinct. No one else is suitable or worthy to fulfill our individual mission. Don’t let anyone make you believe otherwise.
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Want to hear a song that encouraged me at a time when I was questioning my worth, my purpose, my passion?
Jul 30, 2013 | Books & more that inspire!, Queen of Damn Good Advice, What inspires you?
Looking to learn some fresh ways of making a busy life more fun, I decided to ask several friends for their suggestions. Here’s a recap of their responses:

One very wise friend reminded me that there is
always joy to be found in everything.
She’s right. I thanked her for the reminder. A change in my point of view has often changed my outlook from drudgery to joy.
The idea of having fun may sometimes seem far away or unreachable, especially when we feel too busy to take time to do any of the fun things my friends have mentioned. But I think this could be due to a limited view of what having fun means or under what conditions that fun is supposed to happen. Perhaps we need to broaden and expand our definition. My friends gave me more possibilities of fun to consider. I hope you’ll find their list helpful as well.
Finally, in the words of yet another thoughtful friend: “May we all find a little fun whenever we need it.” Maybe we could make our own fun by imagining our favorite song playing while we dance up the stairs. I can just imagine my daughter dancing up the stairs on her way to teach a history class. I still remember her doing pirouettes down the grocery store aisles when she was a very young girl. (Oh the FUN memories I have!!)
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Jul 21, 2013 | Queen of Damn Good Advice, What's new

In celebration of my new book
I’m launching a
Reader photo contest!!
And the 10 top photos will get some great prizes:
1st place gets $100 gift card to
2nd place gets $50 gift card to
3rd place through 10th place gets a “Queen” tote bag full of surprises

On the front cover of my latest book you see the silhouette of a girl reading the book. I want to inject some life into what she stands for by inviting readers to submit pictures of them reading the book in some sassy and creative settings. Those submitting the ‘top ten’ images will win an exclusive tote bag filled with ‘Queen Surprises’ and the top two winners will also receive an Amazon gift card.
Submit as many photos as you like in different settings as it can increase your likelihood of winning a prize.
Just “like” my Facebook page and post your images there with the hashtag #DamnGoodAdvice.
Then use my website contact form to tell me you posted your image on Facebook and tell me your name, email and mailing address (in case you win I need that information to send you your prize!).

Read the contest rules here.
I can’t wait to see your photos!
You have until August 31, 2013 to submit.
And for the record, this contest is for women of all ages and stages in life!
Jul 9, 2013 | Books & more that inspire!, Queen of Damn Good Advice, Remembering a lesson learned, Southern Women Writers, The "me" you want to be
Listen up, princesses!
You are the woman of God’s creating—made in her image. Your innate nature includes the qualities of poise, confidence, strength, courage, compassion, love. Be true to yourself.
Happiness is found in being who God made you to be.
You can do it. Your thinking is your most powerful weapon. Use it. Follow your heart. Don’t hide your light and love. Be the spiritual self that God intended. Don’t be shy. Be yourself—freely, unconditionally, and fearlessly. You’ll be much happier if you do.
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Jun 27, 2013 | Books & more that inspire!, Good book club books, Queen of Damn Good Advice |
What matters most to us or what will we make time for—no matter what, in any event, in any case? What are we determined to do even if it is difficult? In other words, come hell, hay, or high water, what ranks at the top of our preferences, what takes precedence, what has our highest regard, what is our greatest concern, what will sway us into immediate action, what is so paramount that we can’t live without it? I suspect you get the idea.
This type of questioning can help us set priorities that are truly significant and important to us. With priorities that have our utmost concern, we will be motivated to action. We will set goals that we are impelled to accomplish, yes, come hell, hay, or high water. I suspect our time management skills would also greatly improve.
I think that a person striving to accomplish her goals and dreams or reach her destination, in spite of hell and high water, has clarity of intention, purpose, reason, motive and rationale. Consequently, this person will be able to stay focused on her direction and objective, and she will let nothing stop her from doing what she must—again, COME HELL, HAY, or HIGH WATER!
What keeps you focused on your goals?
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