What do you make time for…no matter what?

Make time for your prioritiesWhat matters most to us or what will we make time for—no matter what, in any event, in any case? What are we determined to do even if it is difficult? In other words, come hell, hay, or high water, what ranks at the top of our preferences, what takes precedence, what has our highest regard, what is our greatest concern, what will sway us into immediate action, what is so paramount that we can’t live without it? I suspect you get the idea.

This type of questioning can help us set priorities that are truly significant and important to us. With priorities that have our utmost concern, we will be motivated to action. We will set goals that we are impelled to accomplish, yes, come hell, hay, or high water. I suspect our time management skills would also greatly improve.

I think that a person striving to accomplish her goals and dreams or reach her destination, in spite of hell and high water, has clarity of intention, purpose, reason, motive and rationale.  Consequently, this person will be able to stay focused on her direction and objective, and she will let nothing stop her from doing what she must—again, COME HELL, HAY, or HIGH WATER!

What keeps you focused on your goals?


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10 Hot Summer Reads from my Daughter

My soon-to-have-her-PhD-in-history daughter has always been an avid reader! As a toddler, she loved her plastic non-tearable books. But even when she started holding paper books, she gently turned the pages as she read the stories to all of her stuffed animal friends. Her love for story and the smell of paper continued to grow as she blossomed into a beautiful and intelligent woman. She still much prefers to hold her cherished books in her hands (rather than using her iPad) as she anxiously turns their pages to discover what happens next.

So when I’m looking for good book suggestions to read myself, I ask my daughter. And I’ve never been disappointed. Below are her Summer 2013 top 10 picks!



Inferno by Dan Brown

A Spear of Summer Grass by Deanna Raybourn

The Bookman’s Tale by Charlie Lovett

Life After Life by Kate Atkinson

The Movement of Stars by Amy Brill

The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer

Trains and Lovers by Alexander McCall Smith

The Engagements by J. Courtney Sullivan

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

Revenge Wears Prade: The Devil Returns by Lauren Weisberger


What’s on your summer reading list?

What picks you up?

Everyone has one of THOSE days when you’re feeling a bit low and long for something that will lift your spirits. When you feel depressed, overwhelmed, sad, exhausted, bored or trying to find that perfect shot of inspiration, what do you do, where do you look, how do you find what you need and hope for?

Sometimes all we need is a quick little “pick-me-up” to get us back on our happy tracks. I’ve been asking a few folks what does the trick for them and below is some of their responses.

But I would LOVE for you to add your favorite “pick-me-up” to the list!!!!

Watch a funny movie! 

Treat yourself to a treat!

Play with your pet!

Bake an old family recipe!


Call a friend!

Play your favorite song as loud as you can & dance, dance, dance…


What do YOU do?




Wait no longer!

“Why wait for summer to make the memories of a lifetime!” the Coastal Living Magazine advertisement exclaimed. “Good point!” I considered.

But then I briskly interjected, “Why DO I wait for many things? Like why do I wait for that thing, person, time or place that somehow suddenly gives me permission to be happy, to have peace of mind, to find the calm I long for, or the satisfaction and contentment that sometimes feels impossible to acquire.

Needless to say I’ve asked myself the question, “What are you waiting for” more than once. And most of the time – these days – when the question comes to mind, the image of a favorite “Curly Girl” greeting card appears in my thought that swiftly answers, “Someday is now!”  

As I wrote in my new book, The Queen of Damn Good Advice, when trying to make just about any decision, I also emphatically ask myself, “What’s stopping you? When I mention to my husband something I’m thinking about changing, he often responds with, “Why now?” My response to him is always, “Why not?”

For me, it’s been the “Why not?” question that had to be answered when making decisions, setting new goals or even planning a dream vacation. And I’ve often found that there really wasn’t a good enough reason not to.

Regardless of the season, stage or time in your life, your answer to “Why not?” may inform you to wait no longer.