Oct 27, 2012 | Gospel According to Mamma
I would be super honored if a Book Club would like to read my book!
I’ve put together a Book Club package offering groups a discounted bulk purchase deal when ordered from my website. See Mamma’s page in the book section of my website. Download a flyer, Mamma – Book Club Offer, that outlines the special offer. I hope to be able to join Book Club discussions when requested and possible via Skype, phone or in-person.
Oct 26, 2012 | Gospel According to Mamma
You’ve asked where can you buy my book?
My bookmark tells folks where my book can be purchased! Paperback at Amazon and eBooks at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and Apple iBookstore. I am also selling autographed books from my website as well as discounted bulk purchases, especially for any Book Clubs who would like to read my book.
I just love the bookmark design that Carol Hohle created!! Don’t y’al? And by the way, does everyone “get” the concept of the ringing telephone that goes with The Gospel According to Mamma? How many of you received “gospel” from your mamma over the telephone?

Oct 22, 2012 | Gospel According to Mamma
Read early praise for The Gospel According to Mamma from some folks who’ve had a sneak peak!
“Annette’s first book is a winner! She picked the perfect subject – her irrepressibly joyous mother, who has given her daughter important and inspiring words of wisdom to cherish. If you yearn to help your daughter navigate life experiences with assurance and spunk, give her The Gospel According to Mamma.” —Mary Jo Beebe, coauthor of Jesus’ Healings and New Testament Healings
“If only there were more mothers like Annette Bridges’ mamma: always encouraging, always believing the best of her children, a ‘steel magnolia’ whose motherly advice is based on the Bible and common sense. Remembering events in her own past, Annette gives us 21 valuable life lessons based on the wisdom of her indefatigable Southern mamma.”–Renee Corley, former editor at UPI’s religionandspirituality.com
“Once you get to the end of reading about Mamma and her wonderful lessons, you will walk away a little wiser. Annette puts life in perspective. She lives a fulfilling life, just as her Mamma taught her. Whether to find your faith, believe in your self or master the ability to see the good in others, Mamma lessons help you find the positive. There is much to learn from these strong and inspiring women.” —SingleMom.com
“A look into the heart and soul of Annette Bridges. It could be anyone’s story, but it couldn’t be told any better.” —Bob Belcher, Managing Editor, Corsicana Daily Sun
“For anyone who has ever had a mother (and you know who you are), synthesizing that experience can leave many of us speechless. It is ‘good news’ that Annette Bridges is at no loss for words. She liberally shares her mom’s gospel in deep drafts of down-to-earth good sense and faith, liberally laced with Southern humor.”
—Susan J. Cobb, author of Virgin Territory: How I Found My Inner Guadalupe
“Irresistibly heartfelt. Perfect for all mothers and daughters, past, present and future!” —Jennifer Bridges, author’s daughter and Ph.D. student
“I have been hearing stories about Nellie, Annette’s Mamma for the last 25 years. Annette makes you feel like you are sitting down with her in her ranch house or on that beach she talks about going to while she shares her Mamma with you from her perspective, with the insights she has gained over her lifetime. I hope you enjoy getting to know Nellie and Annette, 2 Georgia peaches transplanted to Texas. I love the way Annette brings the Bible into her daily life and shares it with us so that we can feel the love of God that is so present today in her life and illustrates how the Bible can show us how to go in ours. Way to go Girlfriend… you finally did it! You wrote a book and it’s a winner! I can’t wait to share this with my family and friends!” —Kathy Glover, friend to both Annette and her mamma
Oct 21, 2012 | Author

My website has been given a total make-over to create the focus on my books. I can’t wait for y’all to see it! Check it out and I hope you’ll sign up to get my news post updates!
Oct 20, 2012 | Gospel According to Mamma |
Check out the book cover for The Gospel According to Mamma!