Another "Mamma" display!
My book is now available for sale at the most adorable boutique in North Texas!
Good things to brighten your day!
Gifts – Home Decor – Accessories – Apparel – Yellow Box Shoes
Whitesboro, Texas
What Mamma Says greeting cards are also available at Sunny Paige, Whitesboro!

Mamma’s granddaughter ( my daughter) also loves Sunny Paige! And we all recommend shopping at Sunny Paige for unique clothes and gift items and darling Christmas decor, too! And you can now buy my book, The Gospel According to Mamma, and What Mamma Says greeting cards!
Whitesboro, Texas is a little over an hour north of Dallas and about 20 minutes south of the Red River, off Hwy. 377! If you just can’t make it up to shop in Whitesboro, you can buy my book online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBookstore, Kobo and autographed copies are available on my website, Any bookstore can order my book if they don’t yet stock it!
Ask them!
ISBN 9781480038578
Interview featured on 30 Days of YES
I was recently interviewed by Travis Thomas, the creator of 30 Days of YES – a site dedicated to helping people live their purpose and bring more mindfulness to every aspect of their life. Below is a copy of our conversation. I hope you enjoy reading it! And, I’m happy to answer any of your questions, too!
Here’s the introduction to our interview Travis published on his website:
It is always great when people you haven’t seen in awhile come back into your life and bless you in a new way. I never knew Annette that well, but my wife worked with her for a number of years. She was actually one of our role models for giving us the courage to home-school our children. So, when I got an e-mail from Annette recently telling me about the book she had just written and published, as well as overcoming a scary health problem – I knew we needed to chat.
Annette’s new book The Gospel According to Mamma is on sale now! Hey, friends are allowed to promote friends!
Travis: Annette, how did the idea to write this book come about?
Annette: You know, Travis, one of my early childhood dreams was actually to write books. (But I also wanted to write songs and be an actress. Ha!) And all of those dreams were set aside as I got older, went to college and got married shortly thereafter. The idea to write this book came after almost a decade of writing columns for newspapers, parenting magazines and spirituality websites. My column writing began after my only child left for college and I was trying to come to grips with what I was going to do with my life now that my “nest” was empty. I was struggling to find new purpose. And I began to wonder if I had duly prepared my daughter for the adult life in front of her. I worried whether or not I had told her everything I wanted to or needed to.
So for me, the hundreds of columns I wrote during her first ten years away from home was ultimately about me trying to do just that. Health problems brought my writing to a sudden halt two years ago. After recuperating from a scary surgery and overcoming fears of death, I was certain it was time to fulfill my writing childhood dream and I just had a feeling that my years of column writing had created a foundation that I could draw upon.
Travis: This book feels like an expression of your YES. Do you feel it is? How do you articulate your YES in your own words?
Annette: Oh yes I do! Most definitely, Travis! My YES for this book evolved over the past couple of years. My process of overcoming fear of death was very much grounded in an affirmation of life. You might say, a saying YES to life! Then saying NO to opinions that it’s too late or that I can’t or shouldn’t.
I began by saying yes to many things I’ve never said yes to before. Silly things like adding blond highlights to my hair or bold things like traveling out of the country for the first time with a girl friend and no husbands along.
My saying yes often leads my husband to say “Why now?” which always gets my response of “Why not?” For me, it’s been the “Why not?” question that had to be answered when making decisions and setting new goals. And I’ve often found that there really wasn’t a good enough reason not to. So, I would say YES!
Saying YES is giving myself permission to view myself differently from what I’ve accepted for myself. To think beyond the confines of what I’ve always done or what others have generally expected from me. Saying YES helped me to realize that finding purpose, understanding identity, clarifying values and ideals never reaches some grand finale – that there’s no end to the discovery of who I am because it’s a lifelong journey. This truth has given me permission to make some changes and decisions. Saying YES is about being honest with myself throughout my life and not boxing myself into a set-in-stone self-image, realizing that possibilities and opportunities don’t diminish with age. I can still say YES to do or be whatever I’m dreaming of. And I can still have dreams and pursue dreams for the rest of my life.
Travis: I love that idea of “Why not?” That is a great way to address our fears and hesitancy. Instead of asking “why” we should do something, maybe we need to ask “why not?” Is our answer then based on fear or purpose?
What have been the biggest fears or obstacles along the way to writing this book?
Annette: Once I got over the fear that I was going to die before I could begin to write this book, and others that I have dreams about, there were no obstacles actually. Struggling with health problems stirred me into action and created a passion that can’t be deterred or slowed down. This book came about quickly. After some time reviewing my writing archive with hundreds of columns, I concluded the first book I needed to write would honor the many lessons I had learned from my “mamma.” I could see how the lessons of my youth impacted various actions and experiences in my adult life. I don’t think I had truly appreciated this fact until I re-read my last decade of writing.
Travis: How did you get over the fear that you might die before writing this book?
Annette: It wasn’t easy, Travis, nor was it quick. It actually required many hours in quiet contemplation talking with God the way my mamma taught me. But it came down to one assuring fact – what became a fact to me anyway. That God loves me and is always with me.
Moment by moment, I had to embrace – completely inhale actually – this feeling that God is love and that he loves me,that God is good and surely he wants only good for his children. No matter where I was, what I did, what decisions I made – no matter what – God was with me and loved me. Pondering this kept me from losing all hope no matter what health issue or fear I was faced with.
I asked myself questions: Can I ever be somewhere where God isn’t? Is there ever a moment when God doesn’t care about me? Can anyone or anything have more control over my life than God?
I really love Psalms 139:7-10! “If I make my bed in hell” or “dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea” – “even there – God’s love and presence would be with me.
After many months including a scary surgery and recovery, a more certain sense of God’s love and presence became more dominate in my thought than morbid fears. And this more certain sense came before my surgery. I felt it right before I went into surgery and ever since.
So now, I bathe myself daily in this fact. I want to feel God’s love and presence, relish in it, breathe it in, ponder it, rest in that knowledge. I concluded that God summons us to live! And that’s what I’m doing. Fear is quite simply no longer the big bully stopping me from living my life.
Travis: That is fantastic! I love that idea of God summoning us to live! You are definitely doing that.
What has pleasantly surprised you the most along the way?
Annette: How alive I feel now. How having a certainty of life purpose makes me feel alive. I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time. I have an expectancy of good and an assurance of lots more living to do, than I did a couple of years ago.
Travis: What is your discipline or routine for connecting with your YES on a daily basis?
Annette: Honestly, I don’t have a routine or discipline I don’t think. It could be that having more discipline would be a good thing. I think I used to have more of a routine time or way of doing things including a time for prayer or meditation or even when I would read or study inspirational books. But I began to feel that I was doing things sometimes out of a feeling of obligation or responsibility to do things the way others expected from me, if that makes sense. It didn’t feel honest when it felt forced.
I’ve tried to put the confines of “time” out of my life. Maybe it’s been my desire to remove restrictions and dispose of limitations. I see my life, connecting with my YES, as a moment-by-moment experience, day and night, throughout my life for the rest of my life. I suppose my discipline today is doing what I need to do when I need to do it.
Travis: I love that. Your discipline is to stay open to the need of the moment. How do you express your YES in every aspect of your life? What connects you?
Annette: Expressing my YES is being open, ready and willing to consider new adventures and ideas. I embrace the qualities of being flexible, adaptive, creative, imaginative, receptive and teachable in every aspect of my life, in every moment of my life. And my desire to give myself permission to say YES has created in me a calm satisfaction with my life. This is a huge umbrella of thought that basically everything in my life connects to.
Travis: I can really sense the freedom and possibility you must feel in this space. If you could share one simple message that you want the world to know – what is it?
Annette: That purpose in life never reaches a conclusion or an end. It may change over time or it may look different than you imagined it would, but there is a purpose with all of its implications and possibilities to be experienced. So stay open and flexible and be willing to make adjustments and changes as necessary, and you’ll find the satisfaction in your life that you seek and long for.
Travis: Beautiful Annette! And thank you for blessing the world with your book.
Cyber Monday special!
Order The Gospel According to Mamma from my website by midnight on Cyber Monday, November 26, 2012 and you’ll receive a sampling of 3 “What Mamma says” greeting cards FREE. A retail value of $8.85!
My book is sold for $12.00 on You will receive a matching bookmark and I’m happy to autograph your book for you. Be sure to add any special instructions on your order form.
Order multiple copies and get a book discount! Order 6-11 books and pay $9.60 per book! Order 12 or more books and pay $9.00 per book!
“What Mamma says” card special is a sampling of 3 cards for each book ordered!
FREE holiday shipping!
Introducing "What mamma says" greeting cards!
“What Mamma says” greeting cards just in time for Christmas!
“What mamma says” greeting cards are blank inside and feature 12 different mamma one-liner excerpts from my book, The Gospel According to Mamma!
- Mamma says we would be wise to remember that what goes around usually comes back around to us—the good or the bad—depending on which we dish out.
- Mamma says if we stay so focused on our past failings, we won’t be able to move beyond them and learn what we need to know.
- Mamma says true self-knowledge is an awareness of the self that God sees in us—good and worthwhile, made in his image and likeness.
- Mamma says that God has given us the ability to be everything he created us to be, and this includes making good and wise decisions.
- Mamma says that a loving and forgiving God asks us to do the same for others and for ourselves.
- Mamma says we can rely on our God-given qualities anytime, and his is the only opinion that matters.
- Whether struggling with relationship troubles or problems at school or work, mamma says “Let nothing take your joy from you.”
- Mamma says she is quite certain that “how old is too old?” is not a question known to the Lord.
- Who is it that confines, restricts, hinders, or inhibits the days of our lives? Mamma says, “Not God!”
- Mamma says we should appreciate what we have and fret less about what we don’t.
- Mamma says gratitude helps us to see what is there instead of what isn’t.
- When it comes to words Mamma says, “If they are not good, then maybe they should not be said!”
The card set will eventually be available to order from my website! Stay tuned!
In the meantime, if you would like to pre-order, feel free to send me an email or Facebook message and I’ll reserve yours now! Limited quantities available!
Here’s a close-up of Mamma at her favorite beach!
The title of my book is written in the sand!
Me and Mamma at Snug on the Square!
A lovely and festive day at Snug on the Square in McKinney, Texas at my first book event!
Mamma even made an appearance for part of the day, too!

Loved our display location! In the front window with some super comfy chairs to top it off! Truly enjoyed them after a long day of Black Friday shopping yesterday!

Ready to sell! “What Mamma Says” greeting cards on display, too, featuring one-liner excerpts from my book. Bought a square reader attachment for my iphone for charge and debit card purchases. Very cool!
Lesson from Mamma: Be Thankful!
Mamma on display!
What mamma says …
Mamma says gratitude helps us to see what is there instead of what isn’t.
Excerpt from The Gospel According to Mamma
The election is over! Now what?
My mamma has a philosophy that attempts to see the good in everyone. And in that spirit, perhaps when struggling to see the good in somebody, she would say, “We just have to love the hell out of them.” In fact, “Love the hell out of folks” is a chapter in my new book, The Gospel According to Mamma, which is a collection of twenty-one extraordinary lessons learned from my charming and captivating mamma.
My mamma has always been quite exceptional at finding and appreciating the good in everyone, except during an election season regarding a candidate who wasn’t her choice. And to be honest, I must admit, I have shared her dilemma.
I recall the first election I was eligible to cast my ballot. Election Day was over. The votes had been counted. A winner declared. And my candidate lost the race.
I was devastated. I was sad. I was mad. I was dismayed that the majority of the citizens in my country didn’t agree with me. But this would not be the only time when my preferred candidate didn’t win.
Undoubtedly, now that the US Presidential Election is over yet again, there are those who are happy and those who are not. And perhaps those who are not are finding it difficult to know how to gather their thoughts and emotions.
I’ve come to believe that voting provides us the opportunity to agree to disagree and respect each other’s differing opinions. Hopefully, at the end of the day, we can set aside our differences and be grateful we had the privilege of participating in a democracy. I’m always grateful for this privilege very aware that it is one that women have not always had. Certainly, my love for American democracy is far greater than my opinions on who should lead this country.
But it’s not my patriotic resolve that helps me to hold and practice these beliefs. Patriotism and respect for the democratic process doesn’t help me deal with my emotions following an election, especially when my candidates loose. Frankly, only a prayer-filled conviction can take me to a more centered place and give me peace of mind.
I believe there is a higher power than the presidency that could be called the divine commander-in-chief for all humankind. I believe there are spiritual laws and divine rights that are established and available for everyone. And I believe good is omnipotent and that peace can and will ultimately reign.
After an election with my civic duty completed, I’ve come to realize that I now must implement my spiritual duty to prayerfully support good government, noble and just motives, unselfish ambitions, and high aims for all of our leaders, whether we voted for them or not. This is actually what it means to love the hell out of folks – or it’s how I’ve interpreted my mamma’s instruction.
So when my candidate of choice doesn’t win, for example, I can still have great expectations for the good of my country. I can determine to believe the best about a new President before I believe the worst. And I can expect the best from a new President, too. I can hope and trust that as I faithfully fulfill my spiritual duty and pray for all of my country’s leaders, good, wise and just decisions will be made.
And for my fellow Americans (including my mamma) who may have voted differently from me, I will remember what Abram said to Lot as he attempted to settle a difference of opinion between them, “Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee…for we be brethren.” (Genesis 13:8) I will pray that Congress also remembers these words!
What mamma says…
My mamma believes with all her heart
that a loving and forgiving God
asks us to do the same for others and for ourselves.
Excerpt from The Gospel According to Mamma