Be Inspired ~ Choose Hope

Be Inspired from Annette Bridges

“May your choices reflect your hopes not your fears.” Share on X

“May your choices reflect your hopes not your fears.” These words written by a man who spent a major part of his life incarcerated amazes me and yet perhaps also speaks to how his will to live survived those horrible years.

As a woman who has more fears these days than hopes, I say living by this statement is not so easy. Or at least it doesn’t feel so easy on the days when my fears are far overshadowing my hopes – which honestly is a day like today.

BUT on those days or in those moments when my hopes shine through and rise above the clouds of my fears, making choices that reflect and are inspired by my hopes happen naturally.

So how do we keep our hopes higher, stronger and more powerful than our fears?

Pay attention to those moments and days when your hopes are strong. What’s happening in those moments? What are you doing? Where are you? And however you answer these questions, DO MORE OF THAT!

When your fears seem to overwhelm you and invade the confidence and certainty that your hopes inspire, do more of whatever you do that feeds and fuels your hopes.

I’m asking myself these questions RIGHT NOW as I type this message while listening to beautiful soothing saxophone background music. It’s helping to quiet my fears. I need to walk outside. It always surprises me how the sounds and views that nature provides can bring fresh perspectives. And the deep breathes that being in the outdoors invites give my hopes encouragement and reassurance.


Don’t give in to your fears without a fight! You’re not alone in your battle. Share on X

Don’t give in to your fears without a fight! You’re not alone in your battle. I’ve been remembering there is a divine presence and power called God, Love, Spirit – whatever name you prefer – that will comfort and strengthen you. Reaching out to friends is also a good choice and one I forget at times when I’m feeling very alone. You are never alone. You have friends (and even strangers!) who are ready and waiting to be the angel of hope that you need. All you have to do is choose to ASK.

Choose hope!


Be Inspired ~ It’s Never Too Late

Be Inspired from Annette Bridges

It's never too late to be what you might have been. -George Eliot #Quote Share on X

These words are powerful to me and encouraging. This image, as most all of the images I share in my blogs, was first posted on my Facebook author page. Most weeks my blogs are featuring one of my favorites.

I keep re-reading this quote!!! I guess I’ve needed this reminder lately.

It’s tempting, the older I get, to feel like I’ve waited too long to begin aspiring to attain a certain goal, that there isn’t enough time, that a certain ship has sailed and I just missed the boat. That I should move on in search of another idea.

I must admit I do have moments when I think my life might be easier if I gave up my aspirations and dreams.

I like to think of myself as open and ready to act upon new inspirations. And for some, I may appear to be someone who changes her mind at the drop of a hat. I consider myself as teachable and flexible and when I learn a new and better way of doing something, then I see no reason to not change, regroup, edit, tweak, or go in a totally different direction when it feels like the thing to do.

And perhaps I could even reach the conclusion that stopping something altogether is the thing to do.

BUT I really resist any notion that the reason to stop is because it is too late.

I just can’t believe that. I don’t want to believe that. I refuse to believe that.

Some of you have heard me say in recent times that my ninety year old mother’s latest life lesson to me is that it’s never too late to learn something new, to discover and experience new passion. Her newfound love of painting has been my example that confirms to me it truly is never too late to be what you might have been!

Those last words in this quote keep stirring in my heart – “…what you might have been.” And I’m recalling some of those things I aspired to in younger years and wondering why I let go of them. And just maybe…it’s not too late to consider them again.

How about YOU? Have you ever given up on something you wanted to do because you thought it was too late?


Be Inspired ~ Dare to Dream

Be Inspired from Annette Bridges

Dare to dream. The title of one of my 2017 Color Your World Journals. And it’s the featured theme for my January journaling prompts in my journal club and the theme inspiring gorgeous photo quotes on my Facebook author page this month.

But I certainly did NOT coin the phrase.  Many authors, teachers, leaders have used some variation of this phrase in some way.

I especially love this quote:

“Dare to do what you dare to dream.” -John Tortorella Share on X

I enjoy looking up definitions of words. I’m often surprised! I’m inspired when I discover a deeper meaning of a word!

“Dare” included such phrases as: have the courage to do something, be brave enough, be so bold as, have the audacity, defy or challenge to do something.

January seemed like the perfect month to do some focused journaling about daring to dream as I gather courage to take action and defy the odds against my success.

My New Year’s wish to you…that you dare to do what YOU dare to dream!

Happy BRAVE AND BOLD New Year my friends! I think it’s the trying and doing that is most important!


Be Inspired ~ A Cold and Broken Hallelujah!

Be Inspired from Annette Bridges

We’re about a begin a brand new year! I’m sure I’m not the only one who at this time reminisces and reflects on the year about to pass.

I’ve heard this song performed by many artists but this rendition by Pentatonix gave me GOOSIES!!!! And…I felt like I was hearing the song for the first time!

I’ve never thought I understood the meaning of the song lyric speaking of love as a cold and broken hallelujah. But that image is resonating with me for the first time as this year closes. After watching a brother pass on, after being by my mom’s side as she rallied back from near death moments, after being on my knees more times than I can count in prayer to God crying about my dreads and fears, regrets and disappointments…yes….I feel it now….love that is a cold and broken hallelujah.

Love isn’t all warm and fuzzy everything is perfect tied up in a beautiful bow. My feelings of love this past year (the past few years actually!) could not be described in that way.

My love has been lived. My love has been present. Even when my being present was the most difficult thing I’ve ever done in my life. Even when I felt cold and broken, sad and lost…my love wasn’t going anywhere. My love was constant and steadfast. And it will remain so. And that makes me cry out HALLELUJAH!


We can all do that. We do our best. We give our all. Our love is enough!


Be Inspired ~ Let In Some Light

Be Inspired from Annette Bridges

This week I’ve slowed down a bit and given myself more pause breaks. I’ve had to actually. My body seemed to be saying, “No more missy! Whoah!”

It’s all too easy to get caught up in rushing around doing all we think must be done. Pushing ourselves to the point where we forget to enjoy the present moments we are living. 

If we’re not feeling the joy, I think that’s a sign to put the brakes on and pause. A little time well-spent gazing at your Christmas tree lights may be just what is needed. At least I can say that is precisely what I needed! 

Yep! When you’re feeling blue, harried, tired, sick…let in some light! 

When you're feeling blue, harried, tired, sick...let in some light! Share on X

Let your thoughts be focused on the light. The light that fills your heart with peace, calm, comfort, love… 

Twinkly lights can remind you of what you need to lighten and brighten your day, your present moment, this beautiful season, your life, your New Year. 

Give yourself the gift of gazing…deep breaths…sighs…

Pause all the thinking, overthinking, analyzing, worrying and GAZE!

And have a Merry Christmas my friends and family with so much love! 


Be Inspired ~ Enough Is Enough I Say

Be Inspired from Annette Bridges

Don't let full agendas and busy schedules dictate your holidays! Share on X

Boy oh boy, have I NOT been following this advice lately! My overloaded overextended agendas and crazy busy have done nothing but dictate my holidays so far! 

Enough is enough I say! I haven’t even decorated our tree or put out any decorations YET and this is way off my usual preferred routine. Every friend I talk to lately seem to be in the same boat. What’s going on this year???

Eventually we must all learn when to say no. And when to make our priorities really be our priorities! 

As soon as I finish this note to y’all, I’m shutting down my computer and putting my phone on silent, turning on Christmas music and I am going to decorate! Probably need to do a bit of dusting first but I’m going to dust and decorate as I go! 

I want to immerse myself into the look and feel of the season. And for me….that requires lots of whimsy and lights! Everywhere I look! 

It’s 10 days till Christmas my friends! 

I wish you all much joy, peace and fun!  


Be Inspired ~ Count Your Blessings

Be Inspired from Annette Bridges

My family has long watched the movie “White Christmas” every Christmas season. And if you’ve watched it, then you’ll recall the song Bing Crosby sings about “counting your blessings.” 

Every time I hear it, I’m reminded that his advice to count blessings is a good one, and not just at Christmastime.

Does it ever feel like you don’t have any blessings to count?

When I’m feeling consumed and overwhelmed by unpleasant drama and heartaches, I desperately try to change my focus to what I am grateful for. To ponder the good that is rather than only what isn’t. 

When I’m tempted to think there are no “blessings” in my life, I’ve expanded my definition of blessing. I do this by asking myself some questions. Here are a few:

  • What opportunities do I have that I’m thankful for?
  • What relationships (people and animals) am I thankful for?
  • What have others in my life done that I’m thankful for?
  • What have I learned? How have I grown?
  • What insights have I gained that I’m grateful for?
  • What am I able to offer others that I’m grateful for?
  • What opportunities to help others am I thankful for?
  • What am I taking for granted about my day to day that I can be thankful for? (Keurig, iPhone, laptop, internet service, Jacuzzi bathtub, AC/Heat, etc. are some of mine) 🙂

There are so many ways to define blessings! All the things we consider as our treasures such as our friends and family, what is good in our life – every big and little thing makes us happy and brings a smile, where we have triumphed whether we overcame or endured – we outlasted, opportunities we’ve had, the support we’ve received and so on.

The one promise I can share with you all is that a focus on counting your blessings will make your heart happier, your burdens feel lighter, your tomorrow seem brighter. And you’ll sleep better, too! 


Be Inspired ~ Make Time for What You Love

Be Inspired from Annette Bridges

This video was first published in December 2015 but I didn’t discover it myself until a few days ago. And I can’t stop watching it! Besides LOVING the song, the message is powerful and brings tears every time!

The YouTube caption for the video reads: Every winter, a magical snowman puts on a show for a little girl. But over time, life pulls them apart. Will she remember to take the time for what she loved?


Sounds simple enough but isn’t it interesting how sometimes what we love so much is sometimes what we take for granted or what we neglect?

For me these days “making time” is all about my mamma. I see how her eyes light up when I enter her house. And I know how much she misses me when I’m not with her. I know how much she longs to be with me as much as possible.

So yes, I get busy as anyone else does. And there are days when I don’t get over to see her. But I do try to make as much time as I can for what and who I love. And that most definitely includes my mamma!!!

Our time is truly the best gift we can give to those who love us! It’s want they want the most!


Be Inspired ~ Gratitude Helps You See Your Life as a Gift

Be Inspired from Annette Bridges

This is my HAPPY THANKSGIVING email to you! I will not be sending out my weekly Be Inspired email on Thanksgiving Day next week. 

I’ve learned the lesson of the message on this photo so many times!  

I must admit to you that my biggest lesson was last year when I was feeling the shock and overwhelm of caring for my mom’s sudden onset of problems that has changed all of our lives. 

I heard myself saying aloud, “I hate my life!” Again and again actually! 

I had just lost one of my brother’s the year before and now my mom was on the fast trek to follow him, along with another brother. I felt like I was losing everyone I loved all at the same time. I was devastated and sad. And the rapidly growing care needs for both my mom and brother were overwhelming and depressing. 

Eventually…I learned the lesson of asking for help. We don’t have to walk through struggles alone my friends. Life is supposed to take a village. From the very beginning God provided a “helpmate.” We are better together. A message I’ve been reminded of many times in the past year.

But an even greater lesson came when I replaced feelings focused on all the dread and drama with gratitude. Gratitude for the gift of precious time with my loved ones! Moment by moment! One day at a time. Each day is a gift. And I realized that my own life – each day of my life – was a gift, too. And I focused more and more on what I was doing with the precious gift of my life. 

Was I living a life of love, joy, passion, purpose? 

Truly….Gratitude changes everything! (The title of one of my new journals publishing soon!)

Gratitude helps you see your life as a gift. Share on X

I wish you a blessed day and season of thanks giving! 


Be Inspired ~ A Grateful Heart

Be Inspired from Annette Bridges

A grateful heart can help you handle anything that comes your way. Share on X

Have you ever seen the paperweight that is inscribed, “There’s always, always, always something to be thankful for?”

When you’re facing what’s unpleasant or painful, you may be feeling anything but thankful.

It was during some of the bleakest years my mamma and I ever faced, when thankfulness quite literally helped us both see what we had rather than what we didn’t. And keeping our hearts filled with what we were grateful for is how my mamma gained the vision, strength and perseverance to work her way out of the impoverished conditions we faced after she divorced my daddy in 1967. Her example became a powerful role model for me that continues to inspire and encourage me no matter what trouble I face. 

Thinking about what I am grateful for can bring a smile when I most need one.

I hope a grateful heart can help you endure and overcome whatever comes your way, too!
