Mar 31, 2013 | Author, Books & more that inspire!, Good book club books, Good books for moms, Queen of Damn Good Advice, Southern Women Writers, What's new
Be empowered, encouraged and equipped to command & rule your life!
My new book offers the kind of inspiration that will cheer you on!

Queen wants to…
Teach you how to find a good man
Share her secret to having marital bliss
Show the best way to cope with change
Enhance your communication skills
Provide time management tips
Give you bountiful advice that will help you reach your goals and oh….so much more!
Click on the book image and you’ll be taken to Queen’s new home on my website where you can read a book summary, read what some early readers have to say, read an excerpt and find out where to purchase!
Mar 1, 2013 | Good book club books |
February’s fabulous 5!

There are so many wonderful books being published each year, it can be difficult for a book-club to know where to begin to make their reading selections. In the hopes of providing some assistance, I’ve been asking my twitter and Facebook friends for their recommendations. You can help by sharing some of your favorites in the comment box below. Simply click on the book image to go to the Amazon book page for each title. Each month I hope to share more suggestions. Until then, happy reading! And please do share your favorites with me so I can share them in future blogs!
Blessings by Anna Quinlen

Black and Blue by Anna Quinlen

The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver

Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver

The Children by David Halberstam