Sep 3, 2013 | Author, Good book club books, Good books for moms, Gospel According to Mamma, Queen of Damn Good Advice, Southern Women Writers
Join me along with over 50 authors
at the
September 14 from 10am-4pm
At Tyler Rose Garden Center
420 Rose Park Drive
Tyler, Texas 75702

Texas Book Festival
San Antonio
I’ll have a booth displaying both of my books (see them here) with special pricing and several FREE goodies for those who buy either or both of my books. Each book comes with a customized tote bag!
This is a great time to find some new books, but also a great place to find holiday gifts early. You can get both of my books to give as gifts for $20. My books are great gifts for moms, daughters, sisters, other family members and friends.
And…they are great for young women in college, empty nest moms and seniors looking for new purpose, women of all ages striving to accomplish their dreams, brides preparing for marriage, women struggling with divorce or other drama — ANYONE men and women who want to recall and honor their own mamma stories and lessons.
The East Texas Book Fest is organized by SALT (Smith County Public Libraries) and UT Tyler Robert R. Muntz Library. SALT is Bullard Community Library, Lindale Community Library, Troup Library, Tyler Public Library, and Whitehouse Community Library.
Please help me help them by sharing the news of their 2013 book event!
Sep 2, 2013 | Books & more that inspire!, Good book club books, Good books for moms, Queen of Damn Good Advice
Many times in my life I’ve let fear stop me from reaching some goal or aspiration. Since I can’t go back and change all the things I wish I had done and living in regret is completely pointless, today my resolve is fierce when I’m faced with a fear that is trying to hold me back.
Now, I do believe in making informed decisions. There could be information that might stop me from making a change.
It could also be that some changes are better at one time than at another. If a desired change shouldn’t happen today, it doesn’t mean that at some point in the future it couldn’t or shouldn’t happen.
But one thing is for sure—
Do not let fear paralyze you with uncertainty, indecisiveness, and inaction.
You must stop fear before it stops you.
It’s helpful to look at your fear straight on and examine what it is telling you. Perhaps your fear is saying: “You can’t do it or it will be too difficult.” “You’re afraid of what others will think.” “You will fail.” “You will be wrong.” “You won’t like the outcome.”
Some people say that fear can be rational and logical and is a helpful instinct that protects us from danger. I don’t think it is fear that makes decisions and actions rational, logical, and safe, but rather knowledge, understanding, and common sense, as well as divine inspiration and revelation.
At least from my own experience, fear is irrational and base- less. It is some illusive belief that would stop me from making my life better—happier, more satisfying, more interesting, more productive, more fun.
Changes are natural—and can be progressive—throughout our lives. Making a well-thought-out change need not be feared but welcomed, explored, and enjoyed.
I always say asking yourself “Why not?” when considering some change can be very telling.
You may find that there isn’t a good enough reason not to.
“A Queen asks, “Why not?” is a chapter title in my latest book!
Want to read more?
This is an excerpt from:

Buy this book or ebook
Apr 30, 2013 | Author, Books & more that inspire!, Good book club books, Good books for moms, Gospel According to Mamma, Queen of Damn Good Advice
It’s Book Launch Party Time!!
Thursday, May 9th at 12 Noon
Introducing my new book ~ The Queen of Damn Good Advice

At my favorite North Texas boutique!
501 N. Union, Whitesboro, TX, 76273 ~ 903-564-5500
It’s also Customer Appreciation Day at Sunny Paige
Come for yummy food, fabulous apparel, shoes, accessories and home decor and MY BOOKS – both are great gifts for moms and graduating seniors, by the way!
So yes, The Gospel According to Mamma will be there! And ME, TOO!!!

Mar 31, 2013 | Author, Books & more that inspire!, Good book club books, Good books for moms, Queen of Damn Good Advice, Southern Women Writers, What's new
Be empowered, encouraged and equipped to command & rule your life!
My new book offers the kind of inspiration that will cheer you on!

Queen wants to…
Teach you how to find a good man
Share her secret to having marital bliss
Show the best way to cope with change
Enhance your communication skills
Provide time management tips
Give you bountiful advice that will help you reach your goals and oh….so much more!
Click on the book image and you’ll be taken to Queen’s new home on my website where you can read a book summary, read what some early readers have to say, read an excerpt and find out where to purchase!
Mar 5, 2013 | Good books for moms

Good Books for Mom
The March edition of “Good books for moms” features three books my friends Karen and Peggy recommended. I’d love to share your suggestions in future blogs, so please share your parenting secret weapons. Or maybe you didn’t need books to fill you up with awesome parenting wisdom. If not, you’re welcome to share how you managed to raise the most incredible, intelligent children I have no doubt that your children are!
I love this title! Not that I ever felt like I was losing my mind. Well, perhaps I wasn’t very good at potty training, except with my dachshund. My potty training skills really shined there!
Making children mind without losing yours By Kevin Leman
Karen says that Making your children mind without losing yours “is an uncomplicated sensical approach to parenting!”
Here’s the Amazon book summary:
Raising children these days can be daunting. But if anyone understands why children behave the way they do, it’s Dr. Kevin Leman. Equipping parents with seven principles of Reality Discipline–a loving no-nonsense parenting approach that really works–this internationally known psychologist, author, and father of five shows parents how to:
– Understand why children misbehave and what to do about it
– Foil finicky eaters, turn off temper tantrums, and minimize sibling rivalries
– Set suitable allowances, curfews, and privileges
– And much more
Real-life examples, questions at the end of each chapter, and a discussion guide for individual or group use make this book an engaging read for parents, teachers, and child care providers. With over a million copies in print, readers can’t go wrong with this classic and continual best-seller-now in a fun, new package.
Toilet training in less than a day By Nathan Azrin & Richard Foxx
Peggy recalls that Toilet training in less than a day “had a list of readiness skills, like being able to follow complex instructions such as ‘Go get daddy’s shoes out of the closet.’”
Here’s Amazon’s book summary:
From two noted learning specialists; here is the amazing, scientifically proved Azrin-Foxx method that teaches toilet training quickly — in less than four hours for the average child. And after that rewarding learning period, he or she will willingly use the toilet without assistance or a reminder!
Also inside is a wealth of information on related topics, including:
• Unexpected benefits — your child’s newfound pride and independence can increase eagerness to feed and dress him- or herself, and improve responsiveness to parental instruction
• Pre-training techniques every parent should know • Bed-wetting problems — and how this method can help end them
• Happy children, happy parents — how mastering toilet training benefits the whole family, increasing parents’ personal time and deepening the parent-child connection.
With more than 2 million copies sold, TOILET TRAINING IN LESS THAN A DAY is the one guide you’ll need to make this significant transition a rewarding and pleasurable experience — for both you and your toddler!
Finally here’s a parenting book written by a woman! I must admit I am surprised at how many parenting books are written by men. I’m not meaning to sound sexist or anything, but where I grew up, the daddies were not that involved “in the home,” shall we say.
Teaching Montessori in the home By Elizabeth Hainstock

Peggy says Montessori in the Home was the most well worn book in her home, other than her Bible lesson for her peace of mind. I don’t know if both of these editions were around when Peggy was wearing them out, but I see on Amazon that there are two editions – for “the pre-school years” and “the school years.”
Amazon’s book summary:
Claim quality togetherness with your child and fully enjoy the sensitive and formative years from two to five by adopting proven teaching techniques in your own home.
This acclaimed guide puts the entire range of the Montessori system within your
reach, so you can make the most of your child’s vital years. Teaching Montessori in the Home has already helped thousands of parents with the techniques, exercises, and easy-to-make Montessori materials that are essential for success. It demonstrates how you can develop your child’s sensory awareness and practical life skills, as well as lay the foundation of preliminary reading, writing, and math. The author is recognized as one of the most influential proponents of the Montessori method in the United States and throughout the world due to her concise, accessible writing style. This bestselling book grants you the opportunity to teach your child at home and gain a truly rewarding experience. Hainstock takes great pains here to offer the reader a very thoughtful yet concise introduction to the Montessori philosophy.
Feb 3, 2013 | Good books for moms |

Good Books for Moms
I’ve got young moms on my mind this month. My top 3 books for February are some that I used and treasured when I was a young mommy.
1. Tips for toddlers by Brooke McKamy Beebe
My paperback copy of this book was opened so many times, its pages are not all intact. Of course, it is almost “thirty” years old. (Sorry baby girl, I keep reminding you of that number!) It was fun getting to know “my old friend” again and seeing some of the tips that I highlighted. I suspect my daughter would tell you she remembers these. Some examples, “Offering limited choices distracts the child from what you want him to do. Say, ‘Do you want to wear mittens or the gloves?’ And “Tell your child stories of your own childhood and how you hated to have your hair brushed, etc. Emphasize how much better she is than you were.” And I’m sure this one is my daughter’s favorite memory, “Some children respond well to the suggestion, ‘Go to your room and find a happy face before you come out.’” All of these – and many more – worked well for us!
2. How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
Many great and effective roll-play examples in this book! I was working on my master’s degree in Early Childhood Education when I was first introduced to this book. My daughter was around seven years old I think. I brought her to class with me one day and she helped me roll play some examples of arguments between a mommy and daughter but with good mommy listening skills. She had a blast! A couple of lines I underlined back then were “Steady denial of feelings can confuse and enrage kids. Also teaches them not to know what their feelings are – not to trust them.” And “After all we were two separate people, capable of having two different sets of feelings. Neither of us was right or wrong. We each felt what we felt.”
3. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst
This is a great book with a message for both children and moms! I was first introduced to this book when I was working on my undergraduate degree and taking an education class working as a teacher’s aid in a second grade classroom. “Some days are like that” is a comforting message at the end of what feels like a very bad day. That simple idea helped both my daughter and me to sleep better and be expectant that a new day can and will be better!
Notice to all moms out there! I would love to know what some of your favorite, instructive, helpful and encouraging “mom” books have been and perhaps a sentence or two telling why. Then I will share your recommendations in my blog! Thank you!