Sep 3, 2013 | Author, Good book club books, Good books for moms, Gospel According to Mamma, Queen of Damn Good Advice, Southern Women Writers
Join me along with over 50 authors
at the
September 14 from 10am-4pm
At Tyler Rose Garden Center
420 Rose Park Drive
Tyler, Texas 75702

Texas Book Festival
San Antonio
I’ll have a booth displaying both of my books (see them here) with special pricing and several FREE goodies for those who buy either or both of my books. Each book comes with a customized tote bag!
This is a great time to find some new books, but also a great place to find holiday gifts early. You can get both of my books to give as gifts for $20. My books are great gifts for moms, daughters, sisters, other family members and friends.
And…they are great for young women in college, empty nest moms and seniors looking for new purpose, women of all ages striving to accomplish their dreams, brides preparing for marriage, women struggling with divorce or other drama — ANYONE men and women who want to recall and honor their own mamma stories and lessons.
The East Texas Book Fest is organized by SALT (Smith County Public Libraries) and UT Tyler Robert R. Muntz Library. SALT is Bullard Community Library, Lindale Community Library, Troup Library, Tyler Public Library, and Whitehouse Community Library.
Please help me help them by sharing the news of their 2013 book event!
Jul 13, 2013 | Books & more that inspire!, Good book club books, Queen of Damn Good Advice, Southern Women Writers, The "me" you want to be
Just wanted to share a nice reminder this weekend…
We are all intuitive thinkers. I believe God made us this way. I have no doubt that you’ll find your instincts are correct whether they are telling you “yes” or “no”—to do or not to do. Trust them. Be sure to act upon those “good temptations” that will ensure your life is satisfying and fulfilling.
Excerpted from:

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Jul 9, 2013 | Books & more that inspire!, Queen of Damn Good Advice, Remembering a lesson learned, Southern Women Writers, The "me" you want to be
Listen up, princesses!
You are the woman of God’s creating—made in her image. Your innate nature includes the qualities of poise, confidence, strength, courage, compassion, love. Be true to yourself.
Happiness is found in being who God made you to be.
You can do it. Your thinking is your most powerful weapon. Use it. Follow your heart. Don’t hide your light and love. Be the spiritual self that God intended. Don’t be shy. Be yourself—freely, unconditionally, and fearlessly. You’ll be much happier if you do.
This is an excerpt from:

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Jul 2, 2013 | Books & more that inspire!, Good book club books, Queen of Damn Good Advice, Remembering a lesson learned, Southern Women Writers, The "me" you want to be, What inspires you?
One day an email landed in my box that inspired me. It told about a group of students who were asked to name what they thought were the Seven Wonders of the World. The wonders that received the most votes included Egypt’s Great Pyramids, Taj Mahal, Grand Canyon, Panama Canal, Empire State Building, St. Peter’s Basilica, and China’s Great Wall.
But apparently one student had trouble finishing her list, stating she could not make up her mind because there were so many to choose from. The teacher encouraged her to share her list aloud with the other students to see if they could help. She read, “I think the Seven Wonders of the World are to see, to hear, to touch, to taste, to feel, to laugh, and to love.”
This unexpected list was followed by a poignant reminder—“The most precious things in life cannot be built by hand or bought by man.”
This student listed “wonders” that I never thought much about until one day a few years ago when my husband and I took my friend, Shirley, for what turned out to be her final jeep ride.
Riding in the jeep was not a big deal to me, perhaps because it was “old hat” as some might say. But Shirley, then in the final stages of her battle with cancer, noticed details I never had and she relished every moment of her ride. I was captivated by her adoration and reverence for what she was seeing and by every breath of fresh country air she took in so gratefully. She passed on a few months later.
My jeep ride with her taught me lessons I will never forget. I discovered colors in the sunset I didn’t know were there. I learned that each of our cows has its own distinct bellow and some have really long eyelashes. I noticed that the deeper the hole you drive over, the harder your laugh will be. I found that looking out over big Texas pastures reminds you of the broad expanse of God’s love. I was informed that gazing at the horizon when the sun is setting fills you with a peaceful sense of the infinity of life.
How do we keep our sense of wonder?
How do we maintain our appreciation of all the everyday miracles that compose our day?
How do we never overlook the blessings that make up each life moment?
Even to ask such questions is a good beginning. Pausing to ask these questions also requires pausing to explore for the answers. Our sincere desire to cherish life is a prayer in and of itself—and one that will be answered.
As I learned in my jeep ride, the more acutely aware we are of what and who shares our days, the more meaningful and satisfying life will be. Savoring and mindfully using any of the wonders of sight, hearing, taste, touch, feeling, laughter, and love will guide you to even more of the wonders that God promises for her beloved children.
Start right now—this very moment—and keep yourself in a constant state of awe, admiration, and respect for every ordinary and extraordinary wonder in your day. You don’t want to miss anything. I sure hope I don’t.
This excerpt is from:

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Mar 31, 2013 | Author, Books & more that inspire!, Good book club books, Good books for moms, Queen of Damn Good Advice, Southern Women Writers, What's new
Be empowered, encouraged and equipped to command & rule your life!
My new book offers the kind of inspiration that will cheer you on!

Queen wants to…
Teach you how to find a good man
Share her secret to having marital bliss
Show the best way to cope with change
Enhance your communication skills
Provide time management tips
Give you bountiful advice that will help you reach your goals and oh….so much more!
Click on the book image and you’ll be taken to Queen’s new home on my website where you can read a book summary, read what some early readers have to say, read an excerpt and find out where to purchase!
Mar 12, 2013 | Southern Women Writers

The Southern Belle’s Handbook
By Loraine Despres
Honestly, I don’t check out the birthplace of lady authors before I buy their books. So I don’t limit my reading to only southern women authors. But, I can sometimes guess where a woman has grown up by the way she writes. I must admit, I do enjoy the flare and wit that often shines through in the writings of a girl raised in the south.
This is probably why Loraine Despres’ The Southern Belle’s Handbook put a smile on my face the first time I read it. Mind you, Ms. Despre was not born in the south, but she was only a wee babe months old when her family moved to Louisiana, so the south is where she was rooted and grounded. This darling little handbook is along the lines of a quote book but the quotes are rules that make up this “survival manual for women.” The introduction describes this handbook as “a foolproof set of timeless wisdom that can help every woman accomplish exactly what she sets out to achieve in any realm of her life…”
Some of my tabbed pages include the following rules:
- A Southern Belle picks her fights…there are so many other ways to get what you want. Rule #26
- When you get to be a certain age you realize that the only thing you have time for is doing exactly what you want. Rule # 56
- Forget his stomach. The surest way to keep a man happy is to become his cheerleader. Rule #33
- Men fantasize about being a knight and rescuing a maiden in distress. Encourage this, it’s a good thing. There’s no reason for you to have to struggle while pushing a heavy bag into an overhead compartment. Rule # 73
- Men will say anything. A Southern Belle pays attention to what he does, never to what he says. Rule #79
- Throughout history, men have drooled over beautiful women. But there’s no point obsessing. There are plenty of misguided women who starve themselves to perfection, work out to exhaustion every day, and sit home alone every night – while at the supermarket you’ll find lots of women who are fat, feisty and married. You’ve got to keep things in perspective. Rule #87
Happy reading! If you have a favorite southern woman author, do tell me who and why you like her and I’ll share your scoop in a future blog.