Dec 7, 2013 | Author, Books & more that inspire!, Lady and Bella Totally different Totally friends, What's new
Saturday and Sunday Only (or while my supply lasts!)
That’s December 7-8, 2013!

Order 1 book from my website THIS WEEKEND and I’ll send you 2 books!
That’s 2 books for $5.95!
If you need more copies, I always offer discounts for 5+ books at $3.95/book.
CLICK HERE to go the Lady and Bella BUY page
Since I ordered extra books for my event this weekend and road conditions are keeping me from attending, I’ve decided to give my social media friends and website weekend visitors, along with other friends and family, a special book offer for my new children’s coloring storybook. Here’s a little info about my new simply adorable book!
Imagine a friend that appreciates and accepts you for who you are, who is happy when you win, and who is kind, considerate and always there for you when you need her. Meet Lady and Bella! Two dachshunds that know how to be a good friend! Lady and Bella love their friendship and want other children to learn the treasure of what it means to be a good friend and to have a good friend.
- A large 8″x10″ entertaining and educational coloring storybook
- 32 black and white detailed illustrations printed on high quality paper, perfect for coloring with crayon or colored pencils
- Great for children of all ages, schools, day care centers, Sunday Schools and dachshund enthusiasts
- Highlights 7 important and endearing friendship lessons
- First in a trilogy of Lady and Bella books to be part of an Anti-Bullying Campaign
As always, you’ll also find my books on Amazon and! But when you order from my website, this coloring storybook comes with a colored pencil 5-pack and a matching bookmark! I will get orders shipped out next week….AS SOON AS I CAN GET TO THE POST OFFICE! Would you believe the post office could not deliver mail yesterday? My husband said our mailbox is frozen shut even if they had tried!
Wishing everyone a warm and toasty weekend where ever you are! And a merry merry merry Christmas!
Dec 1, 2013 | Lady and Bella Totally different Totally friends, What's new

Click cover to watch video
It’s time to hold the drawing for the FIRST TEN book giveaway!
My new books arrived just before Thanksgiving – Lady and Bella Totally different, Totally friends. At this year’s Texas Book Festival in Austin, Texas lots of folks signed up to participate in my FIRST TEN giveaway. I planned to do the drawing on December 1st and I had the good fortune to have my sweet great-nephew Nathan with me today to pick the winners.
And my hubby videotaped the grand event! Since wordpress is telling me my video file is too large of a file to upload for this blog, I have uploaded it to YouTube and posted on Facebook.
If you click on the Lady and Bella book cover, you will be linked to the YouTube video and you can listen to see if you are one of the winners. Enjoy! (I admit I stumble a bit with my words. haha I think I write better than I speak “live!”)
I’ll be in touch soon with all drawing participants. I have a special offer for all of you!
By the way, everyone who won – as well as those who buy books on my website – will receive a customized 5-pack of colored pencils. And I also offer a significant discount for those who buy 5+ books.
Many thanks to all who participated in this drawing and for your interest in my books. Lady and Bella Totally different, Totally friends is the first in a trilogy of “Totally ….” books that are part of an Anti-Bullying Campaign. Stay tuned for more information coming in 2014!
Thank you in advance for helping me spread the word about my books to your friends and family!
My books are sold on Amazon, plus my website!