Dec 15, 2012 | Gospel According to Mamma

Give the gift of “Mamma” for Christmas. A perfect gift for daughters of any age!
“What is perhaps most remarkable, as I look back on it now, is that my memory of that Christmas is not one of fear and uncertainty, but of peace. It’s amazing to see how, in the midst of such a violent and unstable time in my life, my memories could be so dear, so special. In fact, I’ve often said that was the best Christmas ever. How could that be true?”
Excerpt from The Gospel According to Mamma
Dec 14, 2012 | Gospel According to Mamma

Give the gift of “Mamma” this Christmas. A perfect gift for daughters of any age!
“We strung popcorn and made paper strings. This, too, I remember, was fun.”
Excerpt from The Gospel According to Mamma
To give y’all a little more of an explanation of what you’ll read in the 2nd chapter of my book which recounts my memories of the Christmas of 1968….
My mamma and I were on a westbound journey from Georgia to Texas when we were literally “on the run” from my dad – “her bitter and angry ex-husband.” As I wrote,
“That Christmas found us renting a trailer in Beaumont, Texas. We stayed in trailer parks instead of hotels as we traveled west, to be more elusive as the chase continued.”
The description on the back cover of my book explains,
“Leaving Georgia with her mamma late one September night when her daddy was en route to end their lives marked the beginning of a lifetime of instruction.”
Dec 13, 2012 | Gospel According to Mamma

Give the gift of “Mamma” this Christmas. A perfect gift for daughters of any age!
“We didn’t have any decorations, or even a tree stand. So, we found a way to hang the tree from the ceiling.”
Excerpt from The Gospel According to Mamma
Dec 12, 2012 | Gospel According to Mamma

Give the gift of “Mamma” for Christmas! A perfect gift for “daughters” of any age!
In my book, The Gospel According to Mamma, I write, “I try to take a few moments every holiday season to remember the Christmas of 1968.” For the next 12 days, I will share some of those remembrances with y’all.
“There was no family gathering, no holiday feast. We got ourselves a tiny Christmas tree. It was so small I suspect it was like the tree in the cartoon classic A Charlie Brown Christmas – the tree nobody wanted.”