My countdown to Christmas continues


Give the gift of “Mamma” this Christmas. A perfect gift for daughters of any age!


“We strung popcorn and made paper strings. This, too, I remember, was fun.”

Excerpt from The Gospel According to Mamma

To give y’all a little more of an explanation of what you’ll read in the 2nd chapter of my book which recounts my memories of the Christmas of 1968….

My mamma and I were on a westbound journey from Georgia to Texas when we were literally “on the run” from my dad – “her bitter and angry ex-husband.” As I wrote,

“That Christmas found us renting a trailer in Beaumont, Texas. We stayed in trailer parks instead of hotels as we traveled west, to be more elusive as the chase continued.”

The description on the back cover of my book explains,

“Leaving Georgia with her mamma late one September night when her daddy was en route to end their lives marked the beginning of a lifetime of instruction.”

Twelve days of Christmas – Christmas of 1968

Give the gift of “Mamma” for Christmas! A perfect gift for “daughters” of any age!


In my book, The Gospel According to Mamma, I write, “I try to take a few moments every holiday season to remember the Christmas of 1968.” For the next 12 days, I will share some of those remembrances with y’all.


“There was no family gathering, no holiday feast. We got ourselves a tiny Christmas tree. It was so small I suspect it was like the tree in the cartoon classic A Charlie Brown Christmas – the tree nobody wanted.”

Mamma book review from author Connie Pierce!


This review of my book, The Gospel According to Mamma,  just in from Connie Pierce, author of My journey of real life weight loss – How I lost over 180 pound! I highly recommend Connie’s book, by the way. It was the reading of her book that helped me realize the importance of telling our “stories” to others. My life was blessed by the insights she gained and shared and I’m sure yours will be, too. I’m also awed by her success and hope to put my own weight loss plan into action in the new year!! (after I enjoy holiday treats and feasts!)

Connie wrote,

“One word comes to mind:  honesty!  “The Gospel According to Mamma” is refreshingly honest, simple yet profound in its counsel.  Annette Bridges uses the Bible in an inspired way to illustrate the thinking process her Mamma used in living and raising children.  Bridges also included quotes from a spiritual thinker and leader, Mary Baker Eddy.  Eddy states, “Honesty is spiritual power.”  The power and strength of this work is in its honest account of her life and struggles.  I highly recommend this book as one you can read many times and gain new insights with each reading.”

Another "Mamma" display!

My book is now available for sale at the most adorable boutique in North Texas!

Sunny Paige

Good things to brighten your day!

Gifts – Home Decor – Accessories – Apparel – Yellow Box Shoes

Whitesboro, Texas

What Mamma Says greeting cards are also available at Sunny Paige, Whitesboro!

Mamma loves Sunny Paige!


Mamma’s daughter (that would be me!) loves Sunny Paige!


Mamma’s granddaughter ( my daughter) also loves Sunny Paige! And we all recommend shopping at Sunny Paige for unique clothes and gift items and darling Christmas decor, too! And you can now buy my book, The Gospel According to Mamma, and What Mamma Says greeting cards!


Whitesboro, Texas is a little over an hour north of Dallas and about 20 minutes south of the Red River, off Hwy. 377! If you just can’t make it up to shop in Whitesboro, you can buy my book online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBookstore, Kobo and autographed copies are available on my website, Any bookstore can order my book if they don’t yet stock it!

Ask them!

ISBN 9781480038578