I'm NOT in a hurry!
As I went for my morning walk a favorite song by Alabama from the 1990’s came to mind.
“I’m in a hurry and don’t know why”
As I began to hum the tune, I realized for the first time in a LONG time I didn’t feel like I was in a hurry. I wasn’t rushing around from one thing to the next. I have finally been able to slow my life down a tad and give a little time to some other things that matter to me.
I say other because much of the past year or so has been meeting the care needs of my mamma. Certainly, caring for my mom is on my list of what matters most to me. It’s just that caring for her in the past several months has left little time for anything else that is also important to me.
Why do I suddenly have MORE time in my life?
I’m so very grateful to have found a live-in caregiver for my mom who is truly an angel sent by God. Actually we have one live-in and one part-time caregivers. Both angels! You may have heard me say this before and you’ll probably hear me say it many many more times.
I’m so grateful that I can now visit my mamma. Let me say that again. I’m so grateful that I can now VISIT my mamma and truly VISIT with her. I’m not at her house rushing around doing this and that. I get to lay down next to her and cuddle and kiss her cheek and just BE THERE with her.
And ….I can take a leisurely stroll in the mornings and fully encompass my surroundings and be aware of every feeling, every thought and take deep breathes and enjoy each moment. Ah…
How about you? Do you feel rushed, pulled, stressed?
My wish for you is that you’ll find a way to have more peace and calm in your life! And TIME for ALL the things that are important to you.
Maybe give yourself a break RIGHT NOW and listen to Alabama! Click on the song title above and you should be taken to the youtube song.
P.S. My featured image with this blog is a gal walking by the sea. My FAVORITE place to take a walk! Guess I’m doing a little dreaming…
When you are longing for a change
There are many times I live in a world I wish I could change, but can’t. I’ve said this before to a friend and she usually reminds me I can change my world if I really wanted to. And perhaps she is right about some things.
It’s not that I’m unhappy with my life. In so many ways I am very happy, content and satisfied. But I do have this longing for new adventures, new experiences, new views. Honestly, I’m ready for some new furniture and new clothes, too! My husband did suggest yesterday we should give each other a new television for Christmas. I thought to myself, “That’s a start!”
I did do something this weekend that was at least an action making ready for change. I cleaned out my closet. I mean I REALLY cleaned out my closet. I boxed up all the clothes that were too big or too old or clothes I should have never bought in the first place. It was scary how much I boxed up that I’ve hardly ever worn.
These days I don’t feel like I need as much as I used to. I don’t want as much as I used to either. That, too, seems to be part of my longing for change. And cleaning out my closet was something I COULD change. And that my friends, is the point of this post.
When you find yourself longing for a change and you think you are trapped in a world that says you’re powerless to do so, look around and consider the things that no one can keep you from changing. You might be surprised at how much is in your control after all.
I think that’s why I LOVE to walk at dusk. I just came in from my evening walk.
This was a beautiful evening. I watched the multicolor sunset turn into grayscale. I saw our black cows blend into the background. I witnessed the tree limbs along the fence line of our pasture, form a rolling, wavy new ground. There was a crispness in the air and the winds were calm. But you knew change was brewing on the horizon. You could feel it and that feeling was exhilarating. I wanted to linger for a while in that coming soon anticipation.
That’s another idea for anyone who is longing for change and not sure where to begin or whether or not you can take that first step. Begin with a walk at dusk. At the very least, you’ll realize change IS happening. Nothing is really staying the same. Life is always moving along. You might feel the encouragement you need to give your life a closer look to make a few changes you didn’t know were possible.
My website summer half-price special!

Summer special!
A book for your need-to-read list!!
Whether you’re going to college, starting your career, getting married, experiencing a divorce or some other life-changing drama, The Queen of Damn Good Advice has something for you!
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CLICK on The Queen of Damn Good Advice book cover and you’ll be taken to the book club idea page!
Doxie in the moonlight
Was anyone else outside this morning at 4:40?
Our little dachshund, Lady, decided to tell her mamma it was potty time at 4:40 AM today. So a very grumpy, sleepy-eyed mamma obliged and carried her outside so she could take care of her business.
While she searched for the perfect spot, I managed to get the sand out of my eyes to be blessed with a beautiful moment. Up in a gorgeous, midnight blue sky was a huge, orange moon that looked like it was sitting on the western horizon. I stood there a few moments after Lady had completed her task basking in the beauty of the moon.
Later in the day I wished I had been awake enough to have the presence of mind to go get my camera and try to capture the scene. But alas I didn’t.
Even still, the view seems to now hold a permanent spot in my memory as I sit here this evening in blissful remembrance.
My beautiful moon lesson hasn’t escaped me. It was a wonderful reminder that even in the midst of inconvenient, uncomfortable, unpleasant, difficult, boring tasks, duties or situations, there can be beauty that is not to be missed. Beauty that reminds us that the bad in our experience will pass and the good will remain — as sure as the moon will be out again tonight!
Feeling grateful….
The remodeling of ourself!
Hey there friends! I can’t believe I’ve not posted a blog since January. At that time, I was apologizing for not blogging and lamenting over a lack of inspiration since my brother’s passing. It’s true that I’ve continued to struggle over my brother’s death. But some measure of peace and some answers to long-searched-for questions are beginning to emerge in my life these days.
For years I’ve written columns for newspapers, magazines and websites desiring to offer my readers hope, encouragement, joy, peace of mind. And my blogs had the same goal.
Since I’ve had more questions than answers and inspirations of late, I’ve decided to start sharing them with anyone who reads my blog in the hopes that somebody will share their answers and inspirations with me! And I will of course share any ideas, thoughts, insights that come to me, too!
For one thing, anyone who browses my website who doesn’t know me may wonder what I actually look like. I’ve recently added a couple of new photos to my website that some say look really different from my other pictures taken over the past couple of years. The picture with this blog is me with my lovely daughter the night before her Texas wedding day in March!
Well….You might say I’ve been remodeling myself in the past year!
I began a journey to have less pain in my body and I finally decided this journey had to include less weight and more exercise and activity. I mean after all, legs are made for walking, running, swimming, dancing. Not just sitting at a desk all day!
So yes, I’ve lost over 30 pounds and dropped from a size 12 (sometimes 14) to a size 6 over the course of this past year. I work with a trainer twice a week. I go for walks twice a day. What I eat and when I eat has changed big time from what I ate and when I ate a couple of years ago! Would I like to loose more weight? Yes, I would love to still drop another 10 pounds. But am I happy about the progress I’ve made so far? YES! And do I have less pain? YES!
As my body size got smaller, I decided to let my hair length get longer. My hair hasn’t been as long as it is now since I was probably 12 years old!
And the truth is I would be as white headed as my grandmother was in her 90’s if I didn’t color my hair. In fact, the white was becoming so predominant, my hairdresser had to begin coloring my hair every three weeks. When that wasn’t good enough, she suggested we go with a lighter hair color to better hide my white roots. So for the first time in my life, I became a blonde!
The funny thing is I’m beginning to conclude that blondes really do have more fun! Ha!
My appearance isn’t the only part of me that is being remodeled but I think I’ll wait for another blog to talk more about that!
I will conclude by saying something I know I’ve said before. It’s never too late to make changes or try something new or learn a new skill or discover a new talent or dream new dreams….
So what are you waiting for?
Learn how to become YOU
First, I will tell you that I’m going to endeavor to get back into my weekly blogging routine. It’s been very difficult since my brother’s passing in October to feel inspired. Since it’s now a good couple of weeks into the New Year, I realize it’s time for me to thrust myself forward because I think if I don’t thrust myself forward I may never write again, so here goes…
I recently watched a TED talk by Amy Cuddy titled “Your body language shapes who you are” that I plan to watch a few more times to be sure I’ve not missed any of the valuable advice and suggestions that I believe can be life changing in the most positive and successful way.
If you want to consider whether or not it’s worth your time to spend the twenty minutes listening to this talk, let me ask you some “Do you feel” or “Have you ever felt” questions.
I admit that these are questions I’ve struggled with many times and honestly still struggle with.
Have you ever been at a dinner table and felt completely intimidated by those around you?
Do you feel inferior to most people that you meet – particularly those of your same gender?
Do you feel like you don’t belong?
Do you feel you don’t measure up?
Have you ever felt like you have nothing worthwhile to contribute to a discussion – that your opinions and insights are not important, not valuable?
Do you feel small, inadequate, unsure of yourself, awkward?
Do you feel like you need to GET THE HELL OUT of where ever you are and escape – RUN A WAY?
If any of these questions sound familiar to you, there are techniques that can help. Because the TRUTH is … you do belong, you do measure up, you do have something worthwhile to say and contribute, you are not inferior and your opinions and insights are important and valuable.
I’ve been reminding myself more and more lately of the following simple facts: I am who I am. My life has been what it has been. My experiences are my own. My knowledge and viewpoints are mine. Nobody knows what I know or has walked in my shoes or seen and felt what I’ve seen and experienced.
And this is true for each and every person. We are uniquely who we are. We are not the same as any other. No one is the same.
So when we’re feeling, thinking and believing that we are the ONLY person at that table that is somehow “inferior, unworthy or insignificant” and every other person at that table are cut of the SAME cloth of greatness, value and significance, it’s simply not true.
Because why? We are uniquely who we are! And who we are is OK!
How about this question…
Have you ever left a meeting, a dinner or a class and be so mad at yourself for not being yourself?
I believe the techniques you’ll be introduced to in this TED talk can help or at the very least, make you alert and aware of some things you could do differently that will make you feel better about yourself and perhaps make you more successful, too.
Enjoy! I’m listening to it again!
Saturday and Sunday Only (or while my supply lasts!)
That’s December 7-8, 2013!
Order 1 book from my website THIS WEEKEND and I’ll send you 2 books!
That’s 2 books for $5.95!
If you need more copies, I always offer discounts for 5+ books at $3.95/book.
CLICK HERE to go the Lady and Bella BUY page
Since I ordered extra books for my event this weekend and road conditions are keeping me from attending, I’ve decided to give my social media friends and website weekend visitors, along with other friends and family, a special book offer for my new children’s coloring storybook. Here’s a little info about my new simply adorable book!
- A large 8″x10″ entertaining and educational coloring storybook
- 32 black and white detailed illustrations printed on high quality paper, perfect for coloring with crayon or colored pencils
- Great for children of all ages, schools, day care centers, Sunday Schools and dachshund enthusiasts
- Highlights 7 important and endearing friendship lessons
- First in a trilogy of Lady and Bella books to be part of an Anti-Bullying Campaign
As always, you’ll also find my books on Amazon and barnesandnoble.com! But when you order from my website, this coloring storybook comes with a colored pencil 5-pack and a matching bookmark! I will get orders shipped out next week….AS SOON AS I CAN GET TO THE POST OFFICE! Would you believe the post office could not deliver mail yesterday? My husband said our mailbox is frozen shut even if they had tried!
Wishing everyone a warm and toasty weekend where ever you are! And a merry merry merry Christmas!
Lady & Bella Drawing Winners
It’s time to hold the drawing for the FIRST TEN book giveaway!
My new books arrived just before Thanksgiving – Lady and Bella Totally different, Totally friends. At this year’s Texas Book Festival in Austin, Texas lots of folks signed up to participate in my FIRST TEN giveaway. I planned to do the drawing on December 1st and I had the good fortune to have my sweet great-nephew Nathan with me today to pick the winners.
And my hubby videotaped the grand event! Since wordpress is telling me my video file is too large of a file to upload for this blog, I have uploaded it to YouTube and posted on Facebook.
If you click on the Lady and Bella book cover, you will be linked to the YouTube video and you can listen to see if you are one of the winners. Enjoy! (I admit I stumble a bit with my words. haha I think I write better than I speak “live!”)
I’ll be in touch soon with all drawing participants. I have a special offer for all of you!
By the way, everyone who won – as well as those who buy books on my website – will receive a customized 5-pack of colored pencils. And I also offer a significant discount for those who buy 5+ books.
Many thanks to all who participated in this drawing and for your interest in my books. Lady and Bella Totally different, Totally friends is the first in a trilogy of “Totally ….” books that are part of an Anti-Bullying Campaign. Stay tuned for more information coming in 2014!
Thank you in advance for helping me spread the word about my books to your friends and family!
My books are sold on Amazon, Barnesandnoble.com plus my website!
The secret for making a house a home
It was reading a magazine article speaking of home décor that reminded me again to appreciate what I have rather than what I don’t.
The writer said, “I have a back door, for example, that can only be opened or closed if you know the right push, shove, tug, slam, lock-twist technique….My house is full of things that are not as they should be.”
I couldn’t help but feel I was reading a feature story about the house I’ve lived in for over thirty-two years! Considering I’ve spent most of those years looking forward to moving out, it’s hard to believe I am as content and comfortable as I now am. Actually, I’m ready to take on a remodeling project for another house we’ve inherited, but that’s another story.
This story is about how gratitude has the power to broaden our vision and help us see options that are obscured by a limited point of view.
Several years ago an artist friend was visiting our little farmhouse and pointed out various unique features – details that I had never appreciated or valued. I eventually realized that I was too consumed with focusing on what I didn’t like to notice anything that I did or could.
The miracle in this story was how gratitude helped me to see present possibilities and completely altered my view of not only my little farmhouse, but my entire life.
With Thanksgiving in the not-so-distant future, my magazine writer wrote, “So this Thanksgiving, do not fret about the perfect turkey or the perfect table or the perfect house. Instead, give thanks for all the things in your life that are made somehow more interesting by being old, broken, missing, or otherwise slightly off. It’s what makes a house a home.” (Letter from the editor, Coastal Living, November 2013
I can remember times in my childhood when I didn’t have a house to live in. But whether I was living out of a car or old trailer, I always felt I had a home. That’s because home was where ever my mamma was. Or maybe it was because my mamma knew the secret for making any place feel like home.
My mamma approached every situation we were in with certainty, expectancy, and creativity. She confronted each challenge step by step, being grateful for and valuing any progress – whether big or small. She never became daunted by any single task that was required. She never took her eye off the ball – her goal, her destination, her dream. This is because she was certain she could accomplish her goals.
Mamma has always said it was imperative to appreciate every step of progress and to never fail to recognize what is good in your life and what you do have.
Indeed, my mamma taught me that when I view my life through the lens of gratitude, I will be able me to see what is there instead of what is not.
My mamma has always been right!
Ode to the brother almost named Hopalong
Once upon a time a daddy named Ray and mamma named Nellie welcomed their third son whom they named Walter Gary Moody. Big brothers Jimmy and Danny also welcomed this little boy whom they named Hopalong because they were certain he looked like Hopalong Cassidy. Fortunately, mamma was able to nip that idea in the bud before it became a neighborhood rumor.
Gary was a very active toddler and especially loved to have his two big brothers chase after him. His favorite chase determined which brother could catch him before he ran into the street. The street was where all the best rocks could be found.
Gary kept his big brothers busy!
Gary loved to talk. Mamma says his best childhood friend was Martin. She says she would see the two boys talking, sitting on the grass in the backyard for hours, day after day. She always tried to imagine what in the world they could be talking about!
There was one thing that never changed in Gary’s life. He did NOT like to eat. Mamma recalls Sunday dinners. Daddy would fix a plate of food for Gary and Gary would sit there staring at the plate. Eventually – always – Daddy would gruffly tell Gary: “If you’re not going to eat just go to your room.” Which was exactly what Gary was waiting to hear.”
Once Gary’s little sister joined the family and was old enough to be the official brother spy and informant, she observed her brother’s trips into the kitchen later in the evening to get something to eat when no one was looking. She remembers cold wieners, Fritos and Pepsi.
Breakfast was however one meal that Gary loved and never missed. And he probably ate enough at breakfast to last him much of the day. As a teenager, breakfast included 4-6 eggs, bacon, toast and coffee. Little sister Annette describes how intriguing it was to watch him carefully and meticulously dip his toast into his coffee and scoop it out with his spoon.
It was during these years, that Gary and Annette would both sit on the front porch after school each day waiting for brother Jimmy to come home from work and take them to the corner store. Big Jim was such a good brother as he would buy his little brother and sister all the candy, chips and soda pop they wanted. Annette now says this is why neither of them was hungry at suppertime.
Baby sister says one of her earliest memories of her brother Gary was on Christmas Eve when she was 5 or 6 years old. He took her outside and pointed up to the sky at a tiny flashing red light. Gary told his baby sister that it was Rudolph and Santa Claus looking for houses with sleeping little girls. Since Annette believed anything her brother told her, she went promptly to bed so Santa would come visit their house. Gary was so convincing, he made his baby sister a lifelong Santa believer!
Mamma reminisces much earlier memories of Gary and Annette together. Apparently, his baby sister thought he was the funniest thing she had ever seen. He could make her laugh simply by standing in front of her crib and hopping up and down.
Grown up baby sister says Gary could always make her laugh. This never changed. Gary loved to laugh and his laugh was infectious. He loved to tell jokes and funny stories and he always had a story to tell.
Gary’s smooth talking charisma won him an extra special place in his mamma’s heart. He still makes her smile when she remembers his words: “After you put that little girl to bed, you and I can have a date.” And when he got in trouble, she often heard him say, “Ok Mom, let’s sit and pray about this.”
Mamma says Gary loved to aggravate his big brothers whenever he could. One sure-fire way he was successful was getting out of his Sunday School class early to get baby sister out of the nursery before his big brothers could AND have baby sister running the hallways with him. This was after his brother Danny would instruct him EVERY Sunday to NOT do what he ended up doing anyway.
One time in high school Gary had a teacher accuse him of cheating on a test. Gary was a cut-up in class and was very good at making other students laugh, too. Perhaps the teacher was assuming Gary had not been paying good enough attention in class to make a perfect score on his test. She made Gary take the test a second time while she watched him closely and he again made a perfect score.
What this teacher didn’t realize was that Gary loved history and probably had his entire history book read through a couple of times before the rest of the class read it once. And he seemed to have a photographic memory.
One of Gary’s favorite school projects was memorizing a speech given by Davy Crockett when he became a Congressman. Year after year, at every family gathering, Gary would recite it. It included such phrases as, “I’m David Crockett, fresh from the backwoods, half-horse, half-alligator, with a touch of snapping turtle; I can wade the Mississippi, leap the Ohio, ride upon a streak of lightning, and slide down a honey locust tree without a scratch.”
“I’ve got the rowdiest racing horse, the prettiest sister, the surest rifle, and the ugliest dog in the district.”
“I can out-speak any man on this floor, and give him two hours start. I can run faster, dive deeper, stay longer under, and come out drier, than any chap this side of the big Swamp.”
“I can walk like an ox, run like a fox, swim like an eel, yell like an Indian, fight like a devil, spout like an earthquake, and make love like a mad bull”
Actually, there are many renditions of this speech since there are no official transcripts and we’re pretty sure Gary flowered up his version a tad bit. His baby sister thinks Gary probably believed he and Davy had a lot in common.
Gary was a happy baby and happy man. Even in the worst of times, he could smile and laugh. Regardless of his own circumstances, if he thought you needed cheering up, he would do whatever he could to make you feel better. His empathy for others was great.
Mamma recalls a Christmas when Gary was a little boy (maybe 8 or 9 years old) and his uncle James gave him his first pair of cowboy boots that he was so very proud to get. He wore them to school one morning but when he came home he was wearing his Sunday shoes instead.
She asked him where in the world was his boots. He explained that when he got to the school bus stop at the corner a little boy who lived up the hill was there barefooted. Gary asked him where were his shoes and he said he didn’t have any. So Gary took his beloved new boots off and gave them to this little boy. Then Gary slipped back into the house and put on his Sunday shoes to wear to school.
Although this may sound like a very unselfish gesture on Gary’s part, his gift was not without a stipulation. Gary told this little boy he would give him his cowboy boots but he had to show up at Gary’s house every Sunday morning to go to Sunday School with him. And mamma says he did indeed arrive every Sunday morning. But she had to wash his face and neck because he was usually pretty rusty looking from not bathing.
Throughout his life, Gary has quite literally given the shirt off his back numerous times to someone in need.
Gary had many talents and skills. Fortunately, others benefitted by some of his skills with his carpentry. He spent a lifetime constructing beautiful structures such as churches, offices, restaurants, condominium complexes, as well as buildings for the summer Olympics hosted by Atlanta. He also built his mamma and sister exquisite ship hatch door tables and the lovely cedar cover over his mamma’s back patio.
But one of Gary’s greatest natural gifts was his singing voice. He loved to sing and wasn’t shy about it. Many of his nurses in the past few months have complimented his singing. Annette says every birthday for the past few years featured a serenating phone call from her brother singing such songs as Red River Valley, Shenandoah, Amazing Grace and Dixieland.
When Gary was seven years old, mamma wrote this in his baby book: “Gary is a very unusual child. Never gets mad. And loves and thinks of everyone. He has the greatest love of people and concern that we grownups need more of. He is very easy to control and make mind. Gary now, seven years old, has decided he wants to be a missionary. Telling others about Jesus. Maybe my prayers are being answered. May God help me to continue to guide him right. He prays beautifully, all words from his heart. I shall leave this space to be answered when he grows up.”
Although Gary wandered and traversed down many paths and winding roads during his 62 years, he had a good heart and blessed the lives of many people with his joy, his thoughtfulness, his love, his laughter and … his cowboy boots and shirts.
Surely of these kind and endearing qualities that he exemplified so beautifully, God is saying, well done my son!