Aug 27, 2013 | Author, Books & more that inspire!, Queen of Damn Good Advice
I want to be sure that anyone planning to read my new book understands something very important!
“Annette” is NOT the queen of damn good advice. My new book is about finding the “queen” that resides within each and every woman.
It’s about finding the strength, power, courage and ability to overcome problems, leap over hurdles, jump through hoops – whatever it takes – to reach goals and realize dreams. It’s about discovering your voice and your purpose. Recognizing your potential. Believing in YOU.
In fact, my latest epiphany had me asking myself, “How often do I take my own damn good advice?” We moms give our daughters plenty of advice, instruction and suggestions but as it turns out, what we share is good for each of us, too. We need to take our own advice!
So…you got it! I’m reading THE QUEEN OF DAMN GOOD ADVICE from cover to cover myself!

But you don’t need to read a book to find YOUR queen, ladies.
She is there within you.
She loves you and wants the best for you.
You are your queen!
You can do whatever you want to do, be who you want to be.
Give yourself permission!
You rule!
Aug 25, 2013 | Author, Cheer up empty nester, The "me" you want to be

30th Birthday Party!
My little chick took flight twelve years ago now so my nest has been empty for a while. Of course, she did come home during a transitional time in her life after a divorce, but not for long. She soon spread her wings again and has been flying strong and high ever since. I’m so very proud of her as I watch her grow into this awesome, focused, clear, determined woman. She’s teaching 3 college classes this fall as she continues on her PhD journey.
Reading the many tweets, posts and blogs by new empty nesters reminds me of when I was in those same shoes. And while the ache in my heart is not as great as it was in the beginning, there are some ways I’m still trying to come into my own in this empty nest season of life.
I came across a passage from a book recently that, for me, seems to define the empty nest perfectly. Interestingly, it was in a Prevention Magazine article titled, “Menopause, An Owner’s Manual” written by Ginny Graves. And the passage was from a book titled, “The Wisdom of Menopause” by Christiane Northrup, MD.
She was defining menopause – been there done that, by the way. Although Christiane was describing menopause, I say an empty nest is:
“a time of rebirth of your deepest self. It’s like being in labor: It can be painful, but you have to believe that you’re going to come out of it with something beautiful.”
She continued, “When I was going through it, I finally quit putting my needs last and started making time for myself to write – which led to my biggest professional success. It was a real blessing!”
So dear brand new empty nesters and “old-timers” like me….
Imagine being reborn into a new beautiful you. You were already beautiful but it’s the new you that is exciting to think about. This is a special most precious time in your life. A time to be cherished and nurtured! A time that will bless you!
I finally BELIEVE this!
After thirty years of motherly advising my beautiful and intelligent daughter, I’m finally going to start taking my own advice. I’ve been in labor with this new me long enough! My latest epiphany!
Aug 4, 2013 | Author, The "me" you want to be |

A few days ago I tweeted the question, “Do you ever feel like you just have to do something even though you’re uncertain about the outcome?” I didn’t get any particular answers from anyone, but since it was retweeted several times I figured at least a few other folks were feeling just like me.
Not only am I quite certain that I have to do something even if no one (aka my husband) understands why, but I also must have a definite way that “something” happens or at least begins.
I think my reasons explain why I can’t walk on my treadmill lately. I simply must go for a walk outdoors. Never mind that the temperature is over 100 degrees. I just can’t walk in-place. I must feel like I’m going somewhere — anywhere. There must be a destination, direction, movement, and progression. A view other than walls!
And this, too, is why I am going to do something very soon because I must. I don’t know what the outcome will be, but it feels like I’m going in the right direction that will take me where I want to go. And since I’m open to any destination other than staying where I am, it’s all good!
Is it a little scary for me to get out of my comfort zone? You betcha! Would it be easier to stay home? Perhaps! Well…I’m not so sure about that! Staying put isn’t as easy as it used to be which is why there is something impelling me forward – onward.
Now folks who know me well, don’t need to worry. I’m really not speaking of anything that dramatic. It is about me continuing to grow, learning new skills, having goals and striving to reach them, making new friends, and living a happier, healthier, more balanced life. It’s about passion and purpose and figuring out what I want to do with myself the rest of my life.
It’s just sometimes, there are some things that require me wearing my big girl panties and doing without my husband by my side. Like the eWomen Network conference I AM GOING TO ATTEND!!
Jul 18, 2013 | Author, Cheer up empty nester, What inspires you?
Perhaps not the best way to word my blog title! The only time I actually listen to a radio these days is when in my car. We don’t get good radio reception in the countryside where I live. So most of my music listening is on my iPhone. And my main time to listen to music on my iPhone is when I’m taking a walk.
Here’s a secret for any man reading my blog: You can learn a lot about a woman’s state of mind by the songs she listens to. Or at least the songs I select seem to pretty much sum up what’s going on in my mind or life.
“A thousand years” by Christina Perri ~ I’m thinking about the love of my life in a forever, sexy, loving kind of way.
“All I want to do” by Sugarland ~ I’m ready for some snuggling with my hubby when I come in from my walk. (Or maybe I’m thinking about the snuggling we did before my walk!)
“Cowboy Casanova” by Carrie Underwood ~ Some man is in trouble!
“Daydream believer” by The Monkees ~ I’m reminiscing about some happy times in my youth.
“Ladies love country boys” by Trace Adkins ~ I’m feeling playful and want to go out on a date with my hubby.
“Where I come from” by Alan Jackson ~ I’m relishing in my southern roots.
“Good girl” by Carrie Underwood ~ I’m thinking about advice to give my daughter.
“Then” by Brad Paisley ~ I’m hoping my hubby thinks of me in this way.
“Walk this way” by Aerosmith ~ I need to do some power walking and need some motivation.
“Something more” by Sugarland ~ I play this song every walk. It means change is in the air!
I think that may be because of lyrics like “I need a little less hard time” and “I need a little more bliss” and “I got things to do before I die” and “I believe that happiness is something we create.” Playing this song means I have some ideas brewing to totally rock my world! So my family and friends had better watch out! Something new is coming soon!
May 28, 2013 | Author, Books & more that inspire!, Good book club books, Gospel According to Mamma, Queen of Damn Good Advice

I’ll be selling and signing my books
Open House Trunk Show!
Thursday, May 30, 5 PM – 8 PM
8756 Teel Parkway, Frisco, Texas 75034
Enjoy an amazing night of jewelry new to North Texas, upscale chic clothing, accessories and cocktails with girlfriends! Register to win an awesome “spring” accessories package and join the Confections Boutique “V.I.P. Sweets” Member Club for savings and specials!
And meet Cindy and Alex of “Big Rich Texas!”
Hope you can come and please help me spread the word about this fun girlfriend evening!
May 9, 2013 | Author, Books & more that inspire!, Queen of Damn Good Advice, What inspires you?
Here are a few of the many great quotes inside “The Queen of Damn Good Advice” to uplift you in your day!