Sep 4, 2015 | Author, The "me" you want to be, What inspires you?, What's new
As I went for my morning walk a favorite song by Alabama from the 1990’s came to mind.
“I’m in a hurry and don’t know why”
As I began to hum the tune, I realized for the first time in a LONG time I didn’t feel like I was in a hurry. I wasn’t rushing around from one thing to the next. I have finally been able to slow my life down a tad and give a little time to some other things that matter to me.
I say other because much of the past year or so has been meeting the care needs of my mamma. Certainly, caring for my mom is on my list of what matters most to me. It’s just that caring for her in the past several months has left little time for anything else that is also important to me.
Why do I suddenly have MORE time in my life?
I’m so very grateful to have found a live-in caregiver for my mom who is truly an angel sent by God. Actually we have one live-in and one part-time caregivers. Both angels! You may have heard me say this before and you’ll probably hear me say it many many more times.
I’m so grateful that I can now visit my mamma. Let me say that again. I’m so grateful that I can now VISIT my mamma and truly VISIT with her. I’m not at her house rushing around doing this and that. I get to lay down next to her and cuddle and kiss her cheek and just BE THERE with her.
And ….I can take a leisurely stroll in the mornings and fully encompass my surroundings and be aware of every feeling, every thought and take deep breathes and enjoy each moment. Ah…
How about you? Do you feel rushed, pulled, stressed?
My wish for you is that you’ll find a way to have more peace and calm in your life! And TIME for ALL the things that are important to you.
Maybe give yourself a break RIGHT NOW and listen to Alabama! Click on the song title above and you should be taken to the youtube song.
P.S. My featured image with this blog is a gal walking by the sea. My FAVORITE place to take a walk! Guess I’m doing a little dreaming…
Jun 7, 2014 | Author, Cheer up empty nester, The "me" you want to be |
Hey there friends! I can’t believe I’ve not posted a blog since January. At that time, I was apologizing for not blogging and lamenting over a lack of inspiration since my brother’s passing. It’s true that I’ve continued to struggle over my brother’s death. But some measure of peace and some answers to long-searched-for questions are beginning to emerge in my life these days.
For years I’ve written columns for newspapers, magazines and websites desiring to offer my readers hope, encouragement, joy, peace of mind. And my blogs had the same goal.
Since I’ve had more questions than answers and inspirations of late, I’ve decided to start sharing them with anyone who reads my blog in the hopes that somebody will share their answers and inspirations with me! And I will of course share any ideas, thoughts, insights that come to me, too!
For one thing, anyone who browses my website who doesn’t know me may wonder what I actually look like. I’ve recently added a couple of new photos to my website that some say look really different from my other pictures taken over the past couple of years. The picture with this blog is me with my lovely daughter the night before her Texas wedding day in March!
Well….You might say I’ve been remodeling myself in the past year!
I began a journey to have less pain in my body and I finally decided this journey had to include less weight and more exercise and activity. I mean after all, legs are made for walking, running, swimming, dancing. Not just sitting at a desk all day!
So yes, I’ve lost over 30 pounds and dropped from a size 12 (sometimes 14) to a size 6 over the course of this past year. I work with a trainer twice a week. I go for walks twice a day. What I eat and when I eat has changed big time from what I ate and when I ate a couple of years ago! Would I like to loose more weight? Yes, I would love to still drop another 10 pounds. But am I happy about the progress I’ve made so far? YES! And do I have less pain? YES!
As my body size got smaller, I decided to let my hair length get longer. My hair hasn’t been as long as it is now since I was probably 12 years old!
And the truth is I would be as white headed as my grandmother was in her 90’s if I didn’t color my hair. In fact, the white was becoming so predominant, my hairdresser had to begin coloring my hair every three weeks. When that wasn’t good enough, she suggested we go with a lighter hair color to better hide my white roots. So for the first time in my life, I became a blonde!
The funny thing is I’m beginning to conclude that blondes really do have more fun! Ha!
My appearance isn’t the only part of me that is being remodeled but I think I’ll wait for another blog to talk more about that!
I will conclude by saying something I know I’ve said before. It’s never too late to make changes or try something new or learn a new skill or discover a new talent or dream new dreams….
So what are you waiting for?
Jan 17, 2014 | The "me" you want to be, What's new
First, I will tell you that I’m going to endeavor to get back into my weekly blogging routine. It’s been very difficult since my brother’s passing in October to feel inspired. Since it’s now a good couple of weeks into the New Year, I realize it’s time for me to thrust myself forward because I think if I don’t thrust myself forward I may never write again, so here goes…

I recently watched a TED talk by Amy Cuddy titled “Your body language shapes who you are” that I plan to watch a few more times to be sure I’ve not missed any of the valuable advice and suggestions that I believe can be life changing in the most positive and successful way.
If you want to consider whether or not it’s worth your time to spend the twenty minutes listening to this talk, let me ask you some “Do you feel” or “Have you ever felt” questions.
I admit that these are questions I’ve struggled with many times and honestly still struggle with.
Have you ever been at a dinner table and felt completely intimidated by those around you?
Do you feel inferior to most people that you meet – particularly those of your same gender?
Do you feel like you don’t belong?
Do you feel you don’t measure up?
Have you ever felt like you have nothing worthwhile to contribute to a discussion – that your opinions and insights are not important, not valuable?
Do you feel small, inadequate, unsure of yourself, awkward?
Do you feel like you need to GET THE HELL OUT of where ever you are and escape – RUN A WAY?
If any of these questions sound familiar to you, there are techniques that can help. Because the TRUTH is … you do belong, you do measure up, you do have something worthwhile to say and contribute, you are not inferior and your opinions and insights are important and valuable.
I’ve been reminding myself more and more lately of the following simple facts: I am who I am. My life has been what it has been. My experiences are my own. My knowledge and viewpoints are mine. Nobody knows what I know or has walked in my shoes or seen and felt what I’ve seen and experienced.
And this is true for each and every person. We are uniquely who we are. We are not the same as any other. No one is the same.
So when we’re feeling, thinking and believing that we are the ONLY person at that table that is somehow “inferior, unworthy or insignificant” and every other person at that table are cut of the SAME cloth of greatness, value and significance, it’s simply not true.
Because why? We are uniquely who we are! And who we are is OK!
How about this question…
Have you ever left a meeting, a dinner or a class and be so mad at yourself for not being yourself?
I believe the techniques you’ll be introduced to in this TED talk can help or at the very least, make you alert and aware of some things you could do differently that will make you feel better about yourself and perhaps make you more successful, too.
Enjoy! I’m listening to it again!
Sep 26, 2013 | Cheer up empty nester, The "me" you want to be, What inspires you?
Just when I was having a bad day, feeling down on myself, filled with regrets, consumed with grief, beating myself up with a bunch of what I should have done lectures, a very dear friend sends me a video message that truly was a God-send.
I was reminded again that my mamma was right when she said we are all somebody’s angel!
So my friends, if you’re feeling like everything in your life is falling apart or you’re doubting your world changing capabilities or you’re wondering if you’re too much or not enough, I invite you to listen to this video.
In fact, after hearing on the news today about another heart-breaking young teen girl’s suicide, I intend to share this video with every young woman, teenager, girl I know!
I want every young woman to know how precious and important they are, that they are needed, and wanted! That yes, we may make choices we sometimes regret. But part of life is learning to make better choices. We all must learn this lesson. I know it may sometimes be bittersweet. I know this from experience. I’m learning such a lesson right now.
But I want all young women to know that nothing is worth ending their life. That they need not feel they must figure out solutions to their problems or mistakes alone. Ask for help. There is a world that desperately needs them, needs their talent, their insights, their accomplishments. And there are people in this world who can and will help.
Aug 25, 2013 | Author, Cheer up empty nester, The "me" you want to be

30th Birthday Party!
My little chick took flight twelve years ago now so my nest has been empty for a while. Of course, she did come home during a transitional time in her life after a divorce, but not for long. She soon spread her wings again and has been flying strong and high ever since. I’m so very proud of her as I watch her grow into this awesome, focused, clear, determined woman. She’s teaching 3 college classes this fall as she continues on her PhD journey.
Reading the many tweets, posts and blogs by new empty nesters reminds me of when I was in those same shoes. And while the ache in my heart is not as great as it was in the beginning, there are some ways I’m still trying to come into my own in this empty nest season of life.
I came across a passage from a book recently that, for me, seems to define the empty nest perfectly. Interestingly, it was in a Prevention Magazine article titled, “Menopause, An Owner’s Manual” written by Ginny Graves. And the passage was from a book titled, “The Wisdom of Menopause” by Christiane Northrup, MD.
She was defining menopause – been there done that, by the way. Although Christiane was describing menopause, I say an empty nest is:
“a time of rebirth of your deepest self. It’s like being in labor: It can be painful, but you have to believe that you’re going to come out of it with something beautiful.”
She continued, “When I was going through it, I finally quit putting my needs last and started making time for myself to write – which led to my biggest professional success. It was a real blessing!”
So dear brand new empty nesters and “old-timers” like me….
Imagine being reborn into a new beautiful you. You were already beautiful but it’s the new you that is exciting to think about. This is a special most precious time in your life. A time to be cherished and nurtured! A time that will bless you!
I finally BELIEVE this!
After thirty years of motherly advising my beautiful and intelligent daughter, I’m finally going to start taking my own advice. I’ve been in labor with this new me long enough! My latest epiphany!
Aug 18, 2013 | Books & more that inspire!, The "me" you want to be, What inspires you? |

I say, “Never doubt your worth or worthiness. Never doubt your abilities.”
I have always believed that God not only will give us what we need, she’s going to lead us, she has our back, and she’ll hold our hand. “The Queen of Damn Good Advice” in my life, my mamma, has always assured me that God is with us every step of our life journey. No matter what need arises along the way, God would have a solution. My mamma has always been right!
Our journeys are our own. Each princess and queen has a purpose that is significant. Each of our missions is distinct. No one else is suitable or worthy to fulfill our individual mission. Don’t let anyone make you believe otherwise.
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This is an excerpt from:

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Want to hear a song that encouraged me at a time when I was questioning my worth, my purpose, my passion?