Dec 20, 2012 | Gospel According to Mamma

Give the gift of “Mamma.” A perfect gift for daughters of any age for any reason!
“I suppose I could look at my childhood experience with regret. But those days for me were a great gift – a lesson in how to beat the odds, how to overcome the insurmountable, how to begin anew when all is lost, and how to find something good in every moment.”
Excerpt from The Gospel According to Mamma
Dec 19, 2012 | Gospel According to Mamma

Give the gift of “Mamma” for Christmas. A perfect gift for daughters of any age!
“Her faith-filled outlook gave us hope. Her faith-filled perspective brought us the vision to see good and to find new opportunities-even peace of mind, and yes, joy. Her faith-inspired point of view led us to a new home in a new city, a career for her, and a new life for both of us.”
Excerpt from The Gospel According to Mamma
Dec 18, 2012 | Gospel According to Mamma

Give the gift of “Mamma” this Christmas. A perfect gift for daughters of any age!
“I’m sure now that it had something to do with her faith in God – a loving God who steers his children safely amid any storm, a God who gives his children the ability to prove evil powerless, a God who sent his son, Christ Jesus, to teach us how. This is what Mamma believed.”
Excerpt from The Gospel According to Mamma
Dec 17, 2012 | Gospel According to Mamma

Give the gift of “Mamma” for Christmas. A perfect gift for daughters of any age!
My mamma and daddy were married for 26 years before their divorce. He just couldn’t come to terms with losing her. I really don’t think he wanted any of us to live if we couldn’t live together. When my mamma and I left that September evening, we left everything behind – most of our clothes, my toys, my dog. I did eventually get my dog back. But I was never to see my home or my daddy again.
“A cat and mouse chase began that would last for several months, with us homeless and with little money.”
“Many have asked my mamma what enabled her to survive those times. I suppose some might call it a “can do” spirit, a positive attitude, a cheerful outlook, or a “never give up” perspective. Mamma could never be brought down – for long, anyway.”
Excerpt from The Gospel According to Mamma
Dec 16, 2012 | Gospel According to Mamma

Give the gift of “Mamma” this Christmas. A perfect gift for daughters of any age!
“Many times I’ve felt life was unfair – like nothing was going my way. In those times anger, disappointment, and depression victimized me: Poor me. It isn’t my fault. I don’t have a choice. There’s nothing I can do about the cards I’ve been dealt but accept them and suffer through it. Fortunately, my mamma – through her example – taught me a lesson long ago that helps me pull myself up when life knocks me down…”
“Mamma had taught me that God loved me; that God is good; that God is everywhere. She taught me the Bible stories of Daniel in the lions’ den and of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego being thrown into the fiery furnace. I think I was confident of God’s care, even though my life was apparently in danger and my future most uncertain and at risk.”
Excerpt from The Gospel According to Mamma