Be Inspired ~ When Was the Last Time You Did Something for the First Time?

Be Inspired from Annette Bridges

When was the last time you did something for the first time? #GoodQuestion Share on X

There is something powerfully invigorating and life-affirming when doing something for the first time.

How would you answer my question: When was the last time you did something for the first time?

Oh I know…first times can be as scary as they are exciting. But I would encourage you to not be afraid of saying YES to trying something or doing something new. There is so much to learn, see and experience that makes our life interesting and more satisfying.

There are many ways to integrate FIRSTS into your life. These firsts are not always big ones like traveling to a country you’ve never been to before or getting a new job. They could be trying a new recipe or getting together with a new friend. It could be learning something new, trying a new fitness activity, tasting a new food, playing a new game and on and on.

So my friends don’t shy away from trying more FIRSTS when you have the opportunity. You might be surprised how your life will grow in joyfulness and contentment by simply doing something ANYTHING for the first time.  


Be Inspired ~ Be Still and Listen to Your Heart

Be Inspired from Annette Bridges

Sometimes you just need to be still and listen to your heart. Share on X

You’ve probably heard me say before…it’s your heart, not your head that knows best. I truly believe this! Our head gets filled with lots of clutter and noise from everyone and everything happening around us. This usually includes a bunch of “should haves” or “wish I had of.” It’s often difficult to escape from our to-do list that is ever demanding we do this and then that.

It’s your heart, not your head that knows best. Share on X

But dear ones, sometimes you really do need to just be still and listen to your heart. When possible, escape somewhere –ANYWHERE. I know we can’t all run off to the beach or mountains when we want to. But find yourself a spot that gives you some fresh new view to look at. It may be an overnight in a hotel by yourself. Or a drive to the country to sit in your car at some scenic location. Or sitting at a picnic table lakeside. Or on a swing set in a park. 

Some place you’ve never been before adds a bit of adventure to the experience and helps to assure a fresh perspective. 

Whatever you do…give yourself some quiet time. To be with yourself. To listen. Ask yourself questions. When you are still and quiet, you will be able to hear your heart. And make the decisions you need to. Or receive the new ideas you long for. 


Be Inspired ~ No Regrets

Be Inspired from Annette Bridges

No longer put off for tomorrow what could be done today, said today, or experienced today. Share on X

Take if from a recovering procrastinator, living in the moment and being fully engaged in the present will keep you from a life filled with regrets.

I certainly have some regrets that would not exist if I had not put off doing, saying and experiencing when I had the opportunity.

That said, it’s never too late to make a change. You can begin right now to avoid future missed opportunities.

Keep your focus and energy on who and what matters most to you.

Live by the Nike slogan JUST DO IT! 

No more regrets…


Be Inspired ~ Your Heart Knows

Be Inspired from Annette Bridges

Get away from your own hustle and bustle and allow time to connect with yourself, to listen to your heart. Share on X

There are many ways to give yourself a break from all the busy and crazy of your everyday life. Even stepping away for fifteen to thirty minutes can be refreshing and help to regroup.

But when you can, give yourself permission to escape to a new location for a few days. You may be surprised at what your heart says to you when you’re still enough to genuinely listen and quiet enough to truly hear.

Your heart knows. 


Be Inspired ~ It’s a Lifelong Journey

Be Inspired from Annette Bridges

There's no end to the discovery of who we are because it's a lifelong journey. Share on X

I love this idea. There’s something about thinking of the discovery of who we are or what we want to do next in our life or the finding of new passion or the learning new skills or developing our talents….all of it….thinking about it all as part of a lifelong journey is so very powerful and wonderful. There’s freedom in this knowledge. There are no time limits. It’s never too late. The possibilities are endless.

I don’t feel rushed anymore. I’m not worried about not having enough time.

Think about this folks. We are all on a lifelong journey of discovery. New adventures always ahead of us. Yes, new dreams can always be dreamed. There is passion to be found in every season of your life.

What would you like to do next on your lifelong journey?  

Have you discovered something new about yourself recently? 


Be Inspired ~ Sanctuary

Be Inspired from Annette Bridges

Are you feeling heartbroken?

Are you longing for a sanctuary to run to?


This beautiful song lifted my heart when I first heard it and I hope it brings you comfort as well. I was reminded where to find sanctuary. I was reminded that the sanctuary I desperately long for isn’t always found by running away but running into the arms of those I love. That sanctuary can be found in the remembering of happy times. Sometimes we need our loved ones to help us remember these by sharing their stories and memories with us. And other times no spoken words are needed. There is sanctuary to be found in sitting in silence together until we can go on.

There are times when we rest in the arms of what most sustains us. Share on X

It may not always be a person. It could be a place or an activity that brings you rest.

Ask yourself what is it that sustains you, that brings you comfort, that nourishes and soothes your soul, that brightens your spirits? And do that. Do more of that. Until you can carry on…

Annette Bridges

Annette Bridges

Author, Publisher and Women's Retreat Host

Annette Bridges is an author, publisher and women’s retreat host on a mission to help every woman realize her story is extraordinary, valuable and noteworthy. Part of Annette’s own journaling practice includes collecting ideas, quotes, songs, videos and photos that inspire her. She shares some of her finds in these weekly “Be Inspired” posts to lift your spirit with encouragement, comfort and joy. 

Connect with me here…

15 Things You Might Take on a Women’s Retreat

As I say on the handout here, the most important things to take on retreat are NOT things. Even before you decide to go on retreat, you will want to ask yourself some questions. A good one to begin with is…

what does retreat mean to you

Then consider my number 1 thing you might take on a women’s retreat – however I would change this to my number 1 thing you MUST take on retreat.

Your intention!

To do this you must answer the questions – Why are you going on retreat? Why do you feel you need a retreat? What are you hoping to accomplish or gain from retreat?

Whether you retreat alone or come away with me on retreat, I hope you’ll find this list helpful!

15 things to bring to retreat-2

Top 10 Reasons to Come to My Retreat

I’ve been emailing, talking, posting, tweeting, videotaping news about my first ever women’s retreat for weeks now. I’ve shared why I’m hosting retreats, what you need to bring, how to dress and what you’ll experience. But now in this blog you will learn the TOP 10 REASONS TO COME TO MY RETREAT April 8-10, 2016. Number 1 being the very TOP reason of course! But all are good reasons to come away with me!

It’s not too late to register. But hurry! Only a couple of spaces are available.

YOUR beautiful escape is waiting for you!

10 reasons to come to MY retreat_Annette Bridges

The Story of LET

The next word art I was compelled to paint was LET!!!!


This was a no brainer for me. LET is one of my favorite words that has given me lots of insight into my heart and soul – especially in recent years.

LET is used in the Bible over a thousand times but one of my favorite scriptures is in the book of John:

“LET not your heart be troubled, neither LET it be afraid.”

Consider some of the synonyms used trying to define the meaning of LET. Enable. Give permission. Free up. Concede. Allow. Permit. To cause to.

The more I ponder the meaning of LET, the more power I realize I have in my life. LET implies choice. And this is truly game-changing when you find yourself in a situation you don’t want to be in. We’ve all been there. But the truth is, even in the midst of unpleasant experiences, we have a choice in how we feel, how we choose to handle whatever we are facing.

I’ve painted BE. And LET.

Which word came next?


The Story of BE

I just returned from my first ever women’s retreat and it couldn’t have been more perfect. Perfect because I got to feed my heart with playful painting, insightful journaling and fellowship with amazing women.

Six canvases would be painted and I thought I would share how the inspirations for each piece evolved.

As I sat there staring at the first blank canvas, I had no idea what to paint. A heart of course could have been the logical answer since I was at the Heart Art Retreat. But I wasn’t feeling inclined to paint a heart YET. Since writing words consumes much of my focus, word art seemed like the way to go but what word?????

This past year has been an emotional roaster coaster with my sweet mamma in and out of hospitals and rehab facilities. So honestly, part of my longing for the weekend was some time to just BE. Time to take some deep breathes without a million things on my to-do list.


That’s it, I thought! I would paint BE!


Did you know that one of the synonyms for BE is BREATHE?

LIVE is another synonym!

When you explore the meaning of BE, you’ll also come across another word that I love – UNDISTURBED.


YES!!!!! Oh how I love to BE!!!

In fact, word art included on one of the pages in my upcoming adult coloring book is the statement: “Make time to just BE.”

Stay tuned for the word I painted next!